February 12, 2024

Life Group Leader Highlight

Written by: Joe Sherrieb, Life Group Director

I’m super excited to share with you the incredible impact that one of our newest Life Group leaders is making in her Life Group, our church, and our community. Angelina Starkey, who formed a new Life Group in September of last year, has seen her whole group feel connected and cared for by the example she sets. In January, I visited Angelina’s group in order to meet several of the members, to connect with everyone, and to observe how the group is centered around God’s Word and caring for one another. I was blown away by how connected everyone seemed to be the group, and how engaged each person was in the discussion. 

The group began with fellowship over a meal, and then Angelina directed everyone to participate in an activity that would allow the group members to learn more about each other on a deeper level. She divided her basement into two halves separated by a line in the middle and asked a series of “yes” or “no” questions. If each member’s question was “yes”, they would stand on one side, and if it was “no” they would stand on the other side. Each side with the minority answer prompted those individuals to share a little more about why they answered the way they did. The questions started light, and then got deeper with each question. To my surprise, this made for quite a few vulnerable moments which really brought the group closer together.

Later, as the group was discussing the sermon notes from the “Family” sermon, one member shared how Angelina visited her grandpa’s visitation after only having known her for a short period of time. The whole group also wrote her a sympathy card to give their condolences and they were all still getting to know each other too. Another couple shared how the group celebrated their engagement during one gathering and gifting them a gift card to a restaurant. This happened after just a few weeks of meeting as a Life Group. They were already beginning to care for each other like family.

Toward the end of the gathering after the men separated for a time of prayer, I asked them what they enjoyed most about their Life Group and one individual stated he loves that the group is made up of people with different backgrounds and personalities. Each person brings a different perspective to the group, but they still feel so connected to each other. 

Lastly, Angelina has done a great job structuring her group so that there is a huge emphasis on both Scripture and connection. Their group meets every other week to study God’s Word, and the weeks in between are focused on some sort of social event to deepen relationships. And this pattern works! I would have never guessed that the group has only known each other for six months. Their compelling community points more toward a lifetime. I am excited to see how they continue to grow in Christ and toward one another going forward.

If you are seeking a community like this one, you can fill out our Life Group Request Form and begin your journey growing in your faith with other believers who desire to study God’s Word and unconditionally love others. We would love to get you connected!

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