Do you want to pray over our ministry partners? Our ministry partners send us prayer requests, and we would love to have you join us in praying for them. Sign up to receive newsletters with prayer requests in your email as we receive them.
Lincoln Peters
Miranda Say
Kayleigh Hill
Ashtyn Jefferson
Rahsaan Gainer
Campus Outreach seeks to build laborers with a commitment to Jesus and His Great Commission through evangelism and discipleship. They are passionately reaching students with the Gospel and training them to become mature followers of Christ. Their desire is to see students leave college equipped to labor in the harvest field for the glory of God.
As a viable and effective emergency shelter in Hancock County, the City Mission of Findlay seeks to end homelessness and hunger by providing food, shelter, and access to essential services to help all men, women, and children move from crisis to stability. They provide shelter and meals and strive to instill a sense of hope in all who come through their doors.
CHOPIN Hall’s mission is to provide assistance, free of charge, to those in-need who reside in Hancock County. Assistance is provided in basic areas to include food, clothing, household, and personal-care items. CHOPIN Hall is a non-profit organization that serves clients regardless of race, age, or religion. They believe everyone should have access to food, clothing, and other basic necessities.
The mission of the Christian Clearing House (CCH) is to provide emergency assistance for our neighbors facing financial, emotional,or spiritual needs in Hancock County. CCH is a non-profit organization that exists as an association of churches, collaborating with local agencies, and individuals to promote effective use of community resources.
Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. They strive to disciple kids in the Word of God and help establish them in a local church. The Good News Club and 5-Day Club ministries take place in neighborhood settings such as homes, backyards, schools and community centers all over the world. These fast-paced, one-hour programs are designed to bring the Gospel of Christ to children on their level in their environment.
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Habitat's vision is of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. By partnering with the community, HFH builds new homes, repairs damaged ones, and encourages those in need through the love of Christ - not just throughout the build process, but even remaining in relationship with those helped for the years to come.
Liberty Benton
Van Buren
LifeWise is complementary to existing before and after-school programs. The primary distinctive feature of LifeWise is that it operates during the school day, thereby engaging the students who are most unlikely to attend before and after-school programs due to transportation, extracurricular and other issues. LifeWise Academy comes alongside administrators and teachers as a supportive ally in the fight for better character development, mental health and academic achievement. Powered by The Gospel Project, our curriculum takes students through the entire Bible over five years with a 3 fold focus: Head, Heart, and Hands.
OnTarget is a youth mentoring ministry that uses outdoor sports like archery, riflery, fishing, hunting, and camping as a way to connect with young people. Through many opportunities including summer day-camps, after-school programs, lessons and more, friendships are built between students and even adults. As these relationships continue to develop, many opportunities arise to speak the truth of the Gospel into young people's lives. The desire is not only to pass on the heritage of the outdoors, but more importantly, to outfit them for life by instilling confidence, ethics, values, and faith in Christ.
University of Findlay's Campus Ministries looks to bring students together for Bible studies, community service, and worship while also providing opportunities for leadership and growth in their faith as they walk through their college years. Campus Ministries seeks to equip students to leave college and proclaim the Gospel in all they do, while also encouraging students to be plugged in to a local church in their communities.
The Women’s Resource Center’s motto is “Help for today and Hope for tomorrow,” and their mission is to save and change lives through the truth and love of Christ. This is accomplished by promoting life-affirming choices, healthy decision-making, and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Provisions, such as pregnancy tests, diapers, mentoring, and Bible studies are available free of charge for vulnerable clients. WRC also provides post-abortion support.
Greater Findlay Young Life (Findlay and the surrounding area) exists to invite young people to experience life as God designed it to be experienced. Young Life leaders come alongside kids in their adolescent years and help them with the everyday struggles they face, like difficult temptations and peer pressure. They reach kids by going where they are and taking the time to get to know them personally. As they get more involved in students lives, they earn the right to share the life-changing message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then dive deeper with them as the relationships continue to grow.
Baptist Campus Ministry
Lexington, KY
Taylor (Johannigman) Mitchell once attended our Youth Life Groups here in Findlay. She and her family attended Gateway Church for some years. Taylor attended the University of Kentucky where she eventually joined CRU and later married Cameron. Both now work at BCM on campus at UK. BCM seeks to help students find community, encouraging them to follow Jesus and thereby change the world.
Eric & Amy Couch are missionaries with ReachGlobal Crisis Response. ReachGlobal Crisis Response organizes and mobilizes believers across the country to serve local churches and homeowners after a crisis, often being among the first responders to these tragic situations.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Lexington, VA
FCA has a vision “to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” Greg was a longtime member of Gateway until he retired from Cooper Tire and joined the staff of FCA in the Lexington, VA area.
Youngstown, OH
We firmly believe Jesus Christ is the only sustainable hope for college students. Students are at an impressionable phase where they plant the seeds that will determine how they will live their life. We seek to meet these students where they're at, creating a way for them to hear the news of Jesus. Within H2O church, we will disciple students, equip them with tools to share the gospel, and engage in evangelism alongside them. We will envision new ways to reach students and look at our current outreaches with a spirit of revision and growth. We are passionate about the Bible and seeing students profess faith in our Lord. We believe Youngstown State University's campus can become a site of revival for God's Church.
World Outreach
South Asia and Metro-Detroit
S and A are missionaries with World Outreach Global Workers who are planting churches among Muslims in South Asia and metro-Detroit. In South Asia, S ’s work is focused on training pastors, Bible translation and raising up the next generation of church planters.
The Table
San Francisco, CA
The Table is an EPC church plant located in the heart of San Francisco. Pastor Troy, along with his wife Caroline and their three children have a passion for sharing Christ with everyone they meet in this diverse and eclectic city.
Chris and Debbie serve as Member Care Coordinators in Budapest, Hungary for the EPC’s World Outreach. Almost half of all missionaries leave the field within the first five year, and the Gibson’s lead a team whose goal is to minister to these missionaries through prayer, encouragement, hospitality and training.
Robby and Joyce have spent many years in Lebanon working to plant churches and reaching out to vulnerable poor, migrants and refugees throughout Lebanon. Robby was instrumental in the founding of the Philemon Project and currently serves as its Executive Director.
Serving in Cameroon with World Team among the Baka people group. World Team is a global mission agency dedicated to church planting among unreached people groups. Chris and Rachel are a part of a translation team, translating the Bible into the Baka language.
Bible translation agencies are collaborating with unprecedented unity to see over 1 billion people gain access to God’s Word in the language they understand best and in a medium they prefer. The mission on IllumiNations “partnering to provide God’s Word in everyone’s heart language in a format they can engage with, so their lives may be transformed.”
Lanka Bible College is an accredited theological institution for graduate studies in Sri Lanka. Gateway awards scholarships each year to help pay for student tuition. The college offers academic programs in theology, missiology, organizational leadership and child development and does so in three languages, Sinhala, Tamil and English. LBC graduates are the future leaders of Sri Lanka’s evangelical churches.
Mike serves as the director of ITEN as a part of EPC World Outreach, focusing on theological education for nationals. ITEN exists to develop teachers among unreached peoples who will develop teachers among other unreached peoples.
Dorie Pierre
Dorie has a passion for providing children in Haiti and the Dominican Republic with a "hand up" for education, health and an opportunity to know about Jesus. Dorie serves with Mission Possible in the primary role of Sponsorship Coordinator, connecting students with their sponsors.
The Philemon Project’s GROW center is an early childhood development center for at-risk poor Lebanese, Syrian refugee, and migrant children. GROW also works with parents through their adult mentoring program. The Philemon Project’s GROW Center seeks to address the enormous challenges in Lebanon by focusing efforts on providing the best possible Christian-led, pro-social early childhood development (ECD) center and adult mentoring program.
Serving with Pioneers to educate and mobilize Latin countries to send believers to Muslim contexts. Pioneers empowers gospel-driven Christians to go to the ends of the earth together in relentless pursuit of the unreached.
RCB is a church located in Beirut Lebanon that focuses on ministry among refugee families, migrant workers and at-risk children. They unconditionally love and care for marginalized families through physical aid, emotional care, educational provision, and skills development.
S&S are partners that work in Beirut, Lebanon. They are pastoral leaders of a church plant consisting mostly of refugees from other countries in the Middle East.
Terry and his wife Pattie are teaching, enabling, encouraging, resourcing and networking church planters in South Asia to reach the unreached and plant new churches for Jesus.
Enduring Love is a group of Kingdom Workers in the Middle East and North Africa that share the good news with people throughout the region. The ministry supports more than 25 national workers, with combined ministries involved in almost 400 home groups, impacting nearly 150,000 women and men in their respective countries.
Sew Quilt Share is an informal group of women who have a passion for sewing, quilting and connecting with other women. They learn, sew and grow as they encourage each other and use their creative talents to share the warmth of God's love with those in need. Some of the projects they work on include baby quilts for the Women’s Resource Center of Findlay and reusable feminine pads to support Mission Possible and school girls in Haiti.
J & A serve in the Middle East in the areas of education and orientation training for new or transitioning teams focused on bringing the gospel to the Muslim world.
Andrew and Norine Brunson - WaveStarters
Andrew and Norine Brunson were involved in starting churches, training, aid to refugees, and a house of prayer in Turkey for 23 years until being falsely accused of terrorism in October 2016. After this Andrew was held for two years in Turkish prisons. Due to a worldwide prayer movement and significant political pressure from the US government, he was finally sentenced and then dramatically released in October 2018. Andrew and Norine now seek to start "kingdom" waves where none exist.
Missionary Member Care provides quality care for the EPC World Outreach community. These funds will be used to enhance the caring skills of the WO Member Care staff, EPC presbyteries, and local church mission committees. In addition, funds will enable international travel by WO Member Care staff providing intentional pastoral ministry to our overseas global worker families in need.
Baptist Campus Ministry
Lexington, KY
Taylor (Johannigman) Mitchell once attended our Youth Life Groups here in Findlay. She and her family attended Gateway Church for some years. Taylor attended the University of Kentucky where she eventually joined CRU and later married Cameron. Both now work at BCM on campus at UK. BCM seeks to help students find community, encouraging them to follow Jesus and thereby change the world.
Eric & Amy Couch are missionaries with ReachGlobal Crisis Response. ReachGlobal Crisis Response organizes and mobilizes believers across the country to serve local churches and homeowners after a crisis, often being among the first responders to these tragic situations.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Lexington, VA
FCA has a vision “to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” Greg was a longtime member of Gateway until he retired from Cooper Tire and joined the staff of FCA in the Lexington, VA area.
H20Youngstown, OH
We firmly believe Jesus Christ is the only sustainable hope for college students. Students are at an impressionable phase where they plant the seeds that will determine how they will live their life. We seek to meet these students where they're at, creating a way for them to hear the news of Jesus. Within H2O church, we will disciple students, equip them with tools to share the gospel, and engage in evangelism alongside them. We will envision new ways to reach students and look at our current outreaches with a spirit of revision and growth. We are passionate about the Bible and seeing students profess faith in our Lord. We believe Youngstown State University's campus can become a site of revival for God's Church.
World Outreach
South Asia and Metro-Detroit
S and A are missionaries with World Outreach Global Workers who are planting churches among Muslims in South Asia and metro-Detroit. In South Asia, S ’s work is focused on training pastors, Bible translation and raising up the next generation of church planters.
The Table
San Francisco, CA
The Table is an EPC church plant located in the heart of San Francisco. Pastor Troy, along with his wife Caroline and their three children have a passion for sharing Christ with everyone they meet in this diverse and eclectic city.
Baptist Campus Ministry
Lexington, KY
Taylor (Johannigman) Mitchell once attended our Youth Life Groups here in Findlay. She and her family attended Gateway Church for some years. Taylor attended the University of Kentucky where she eventually joined CRU and later married Cameron. Both now work at BCM on campus at UK. BCM seeks to help students find community, encouraging them to follow Jesus and thereby change the world.
Eric & Amy Couch are missionaries with ReachGlobal Crisis Response. ReachGlobal Crisis Response organizes and mobilizes believers across the country to serve local churches and homeowners after a crisis, often being among the first responders to these tragic situations.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Lexington, VA
FCA has a vision “to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” Greg was a longtime member of Gateway until he retired from Cooper Tire and joined the staff of FCA in the Lexington, VA area.
H20Youngstown, OH
We firmly believe Jesus Christ is the only sustainable hope for college students. Students are at an impressionable phase where they plant the seeds that will determine how they will live their life. We seek to meet these students where they're at, creating a way for them to hear the news of Jesus. Within H2O church, we will disciple students, equip them with tools to share the gospel, and engage in evangelism alongside them. We will envision new ways to reach students and look at our current outreaches with a spirit of revision and growth. We are passionate about the Bible and seeing students profess faith in our Lord. We believe Youngstown State University's campus can become a site of revival for God's Church.
World Outreach
South Asia and Metro-Detroit
S and A are missionaries with World Outreach Global Workers who are planting churches among Muslims in South Asia and metro-Detroit. In South Asia, S ’s work is focused on training pastors, Bible translation and raising up the next generation of church planters.
The Table
San Francisco, CA
The Table is an EPC church plant located in the heart of San Francisco. Pastor Troy, along with his wife Caroline and their three children have a passion for sharing Christ with everyone they meet in this diverse and eclectic city.
Baptist Campus Ministry
Lexington, KY
Taylor (Johannigman) Mitchell once attended our Youth Life Groups here in Findlay. She and her family attended Gateway Church for some years. Taylor attended the University of Kentucky where she eventually joined CRU and later married Cameron. Both now work at BCM on campus at UK. BCM seeks to help students find community, encouraging them to follow Jesus and thereby change the world.
Eric & Amy Couch are missionaries with ReachGlobal Crisis Response. ReachGlobal Crisis Response organizes and mobilizes believers across the country to serve local churches and homeowners after a crisis, often being among the first responders to these tragic situations.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Lexington, VA
FCA has a vision “to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” Greg was a longtime member of Gateway until he retired from Cooper Tire and joined the staff of FCA in the Lexington, VA area.
H20Youngstown, OH
We firmly believe Jesus Christ is the only sustainable hope for college students. Students are at an impressionable phase where they plant the seeds that will determine how they will live their life. We seek to meet these students where they're at, creating a way for them to hear the news of Jesus. Within H2O church, we will disciple students, equip them with tools to share the gospel, and engage in evangelism alongside them. We will envision new ways to reach students and look at our current outreaches with a spirit of revision and growth. We are passionate about the Bible and seeing students profess faith in our Lord. We believe Youngstown State University's campus can become a site of revival for God's Church.
World Outreach
South Asia and Metro-Detroit
S and A are missionaries with World Outreach Global Workers who are planting churches among Muslims in South Asia and metro-Detroit. In South Asia, S ’s work is focused on training pastors, Bible translation and raising up the next generation of church planters.
The Table
San Francisco, CA
The Table is an EPC church plant located in the heart of San Francisco. Pastor Troy, along with his wife Caroline and their three children have a passion for sharing Christ with everyone they meet in this diverse and eclectic city.
Baptist Campus Ministry
Lexington, KY
Taylor (Johannigman) Mitchell once attended our Youth Life Groups here in Findlay. She and her family attended Gateway Church for some years. Taylor attended the University of Kentucky where she eventually joined CRU and later married Cameron. Both now work at BCM on campus at UK. BCM seeks to help students find community, encouraging them to follow Jesus and thereby change the world.
Eric & Amy Couch are missionaries with ReachGlobal Crisis Response. ReachGlobal Crisis Response organizes and mobilizes believers across the country to serve local churches and homeowners after a crisis, often being among the first responders to these tragic situations.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Lexington, VA
FCA has a vision “to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” Greg was a longtime member of Gateway until he retired from Cooper Tire and joined the staff of FCA in the Lexington, VA area.
H20Youngstown, OH
We firmly believe Jesus Christ is the only sustainable hope for college students. Students are at an impressionable phase where they plant the seeds that will determine how they will live their life. We seek to meet these students where they're at, creating a way for them to hear the news of Jesus. Within H2O church, we will disciple students, equip them with tools to share the gospel, and engage in evangelism alongside them. We will envision new ways to reach students and look at our current outreaches with a spirit of revision and growth. We are passionate about the Bible and seeing students profess faith in our Lord. We believe Youngstown State University's campus can become a site of revival for God's Church.
World Outreach
South Asia and Metro-Detroit
S and A are missionaries with World Outreach Global Workers who are planting churches among Muslims in South Asia and metro-Detroit. In South Asia, S ’s work is focused on training pastors, Bible translation and raising up the next generation of church planters.
The Table
San Francisco, CA
The Table is an EPC church plant located in the heart of San Francisco. Pastor Troy, along with his wife Caroline and their three children have a passion for sharing Christ with everyone they meet in this diverse and eclectic city.
Baptist Campus Ministry
Lexington, KY
Taylor (Johannigman) Mitchell once attended our Youth Life Groups here in Findlay. She and her family attended Gateway Church for some years. Taylor attended the University of Kentucky where she eventually joined CRU and later married Cameron. Both now work at BCM on campus at UK. BCM seeks to help students find community, encouraging them to follow Jesus and thereby change the world.
Eric & Amy Couch are missionaries with ReachGlobal Crisis Response. ReachGlobal Crisis Response organizes and mobilizes believers across the country to serve local churches and homeowners after a crisis, often being among the first responders to these tragic situations.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Lexington, VA
FCA has a vision “to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” Greg was a longtime member of Gateway until he retired from Cooper Tire and joined the staff of FCA in the Lexington, VA area.
H20Youngstown, OH
We firmly believe Jesus Christ is the only sustainable hope for college students. Students are at an impressionable phase where they plant the seeds that will determine how they will live their life. We seek to meet these students where they're at, creating a way for them to hear the news of Jesus. Within H2O church, we will disciple students, equip them with tools to share the gospel, and engage in evangelism alongside them. We will envision new ways to reach students and look at our current outreaches with a spirit of revision and growth. We are passionate about the Bible and seeing students profess faith in our Lord. We believe Youngstown State University's campus can become a site of revival for God's Church.
World Outreach
South Asia and Metro-Detroit
S and A are missionaries with World Outreach Global Workers who are planting churches among Muslims in South Asia and metro-Detroit. In South Asia, S ’s work is focused on training pastors, Bible translation and raising up the next generation of church planters.
The Table
San Francisco, CA
The Table is an EPC church plant located in the heart of San Francisco. Pastor Troy, along with his wife Caroline and their three children have a passion for sharing Christ with everyone they meet in this diverse and eclectic city.
When our ministry partners and others from the community have upcoming events they will be listed here.