
I'm Interested in Serving

Are you willing and hungry to serve?

We all have been given gifts by God to serve our church family. We can help you figure out what those are and how best to use them. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an outgoing, energetic personality or you prefer to do things ‘behind the scenes’ out of the public eye; we can help get you plugged in.

I'm Interested in Serving

(See descriptions of positions below)

Greeters - County Road 9 Campus

Need someone to greet on 5th Sundays, first service: May 29, July 31, Oct 30

Cafe -County Road 9 Campus

Need someone for first service; week is flexible

Parking Lot - County Road 9 Campus

Need a few volunteers; service and week is flexible

Infant Nursery - County Road 9 Campus

Caregivers needed all weeks and all services

Toddler Nursery - County Road 9 Campus

Caregivers needed second and fourth Sundays

Nursery Welcome Desk - County Road 9 Campus

First Sunday both services

Tech - County Road 9 Campus

Video Director, Camera Operator, Slide Operator

Kidway Children's Ministry
Weekend Set Up

Pre-service setup of Kidway Worship Center on Sundays and special services if necessary.

Infant Nursery (Birth - Crawlers)*

Infant nursery caregivers must be willing to play on the floor, cuddle, sing, smile, and show the love of Jesus to Gateway Church’s tiniest attenders. Serving Requirement: High school or older. Time commitment: 1-2 services per month.
This role is needed at our County Road 9 Campus.

Toddler Nursery (Walkers - 2 Years Old)*

Toddler nursery caregivers must be full of energy and eager to interact with this active bunch. Serving Requirement: Middle school or older. Time commitment: 1-2 services per month.
This role is needed at our County Road 9 Campus.

Nursery Welcome Desk*

Nursery welcome desk volunteers must be friendly and full of smiles. These folks help facilitate nursery drop off/pick-up as well as assist new parents with check-in. Serving Requirement: Adults. Time commitment: 1-2 services per month. This role is needed at our County Road 9 Campus.

Preschool Teachers and Helpers (2 Years Old - 5 Years Old)*

Preschool substitutes must love children and have a gift for making the Bible come alive to kids. This role requires prep time throughout the week to plan creative lessons. (Curriculum is provided.) Time commitment: At least once per month.  
This role is needed at both campuses.

Preschool Room Helper (2 Years - Kindergarten)

Preschool room helpers must be dependable and serve as an extra set of hands in the Preschool room by taking attendance, working with small groups, and assisting with snacks and restroom breaks. Serving Requirement: Middle school or older. Time commitment: 9-month commitment to serve one service every week

Wiggle Worship Leader (Preschool)

Wiggle Worship leaders have a passion for leading preschoolers in worship through music. Energy, commitment and creativity are essential in this role. Time commitment: 9-month commitment to serve (15 minutes) one service every week

Elementary Small Group Leader (Kindergarten - 5th Grade)*

Small group leaders are purposeful at building trust and friendships with small groups of approximately 10-12 kids, demonstrating what it’s like to have a personal relationship with Jesus. They lead groups in activities prior to and following large group time and are responsible for helping kids connect the Bible lesson for the day to real life. (Curriculum is provided.) Time commitment: At least once per month.
This role is needed at our North Main Campus.

Elementary Small Group Helper (Kindergarten - 5th Grade)*

Small group helpers assist small group leaders with group activities and stay with small groups during large group worship time. Serving Requirement: Middle school or older. Time commitment: At least once per month.
This role is needed at both campuses.

Elementary Large Group Teacher (Kindergarten - 5th Grade)

A large group teacher must be an energetic, creative communicator with a passion to teach God’s Word to a large group of 1st – 5th grade students. Curriculum/scripts and training will be provided. Time commitment: Once per month.
This role is needed at our North Main Campus.

Elementary Worship Leader

Worship leaders must love music and have a desire to lead kids in an energetic worship time. Energy, enthusiasm and a genuine love for Jesus are much more important in this role than a great singing voice! Time commitment: 12-month commitment to serve once a month

Special Needs Ministry*

These volunteers have a heart for children with special needs and will most often serve as a one-on-one helper with a child. Volunteers may be needed to serve in a variety of roles, depending on the needs of the child they are paired with. Time commitment: 1-2 services per month.
This role is needed at both campuses.

Check-in Assistants

A Check-in assistant may be the first person a family meets and must be friendly, welcoming, and comfortable with a technology. These volunteers assist parents with checking their children into Kidway. Time commitment: At least once per month.
This role is needed at our North Main Campus.

Kidway Tech (Sound/media)

Tech team members are creative, dedicated, and pay attention to detail. They are responsible for the lights, sound, and video during elementary large group time. Time commitment: 12-month commitment to serve once a month

Creative Team

Creative team volunteers have gifts in art, carpentry and painting, and are responsible for creating stage sets and props for large group time. Time commitment: Varies/Flexible
This role is needed at our North Main Campus.

Hallway Monitor (Security)

Hallway monitors are an important part of keeping Kidway a safe place for our kids. They may help escort kids to the restrooms and make sure adults in the hallways are either Kidway volunteers or parents. Time commitment: Varies

*Serving in these roles will require you to serve during one service and worship during the other service.

Still have questions? Please contact:

Justin Bower for the County Road 9 Campus and for the North Main Campus. Or call the church office 419-423-5947.

Weekend Hospitality
Resource Center

We need Resource Center volunteers at both campuses. These volunteers stand at the Resource Center before and after the service. They greet first time visitors, give them a gift, and help answer questions they might have. They also interact with our members who have questions or want to sign up for events and Equip Classes. You do NOT have to know everything about Gateway Church in order to serve here!


Our greeters welcome our members and guests as they arrive at each campus on Sunday mornings. They stand at the entrance doors, open doors, and greet each person as they enter our building. This is a great area to serve as a family!


Our ushers stand at the entrances to our Worship Centers to greet our members and guests as they enter and help them find available seats (if needed). At our County Road 9 Campus our ushers also hold the doors open for everyone as they enter. Occasionally our ushers will have items to pass out as well.


Cafe - We offer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and lemonade (seasonal) to our members and guests at each campus. Occasionally there are also special treats in our cafe. Volunteers that serve in the cafe interact with our members and guests as they serve them their drinks. We are also looking for volunteers to set up or clean up our cafe once a month.

Parking Lot

At our County Road 9 Campus we have parking lot volunteers to greet everyone as they arrive for our services on Sunday mornings. They also may assist as needs arise (such as a dead battery, flat tire, security).

All Hospitality areas are a once per month commitment. We are also willing to schedule people more often if they would like to serve more than once a month.

Weekend Morning Worship Teams

Looking for all instruments at North Main (bass, drums, electric guitar, acoustic guitar and keys).

Production Technology Team

Be a part of preaching the Gospel from behind the scenes by joining audio, video or lighting team.

More Ways to Serve
Safety & Security Teams

Provide security and medical coverage Sunday mornings in particular and other Gateway Church functions as requested.

Facilities Assistance

Seasonal/Special Project assistance based upon skill/trade and need/availability.

Serving Outside of Sunday Mornings

When specific needs arise within our congregation, the deacons work to find people with the skills needed to help.

If you would be willing to help meet the needs of your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey.

Prayer Ministry

Learn More

Summer Serve

Every summer, we need new volunteers to step up and serve in our Kidway classes starting the first Sunday in June through the last Sunday of August. Would you like to invest in the life of a child this summer? Join our Kidway summer volunteer team on Sundays where we have fun together as we teach children about the Word of God.

Sign Up for Summer Serve
NextGen Volunteer Forms

For volunteers over 18, please read this Volunteer Agreement and then complete and submit this Kidway Volunteer Form below. Once you have submitted the volunteer form, you will be sent a link to complete a background check authorization form.

Next Gen Volunteer Form

If you are a volunteer under 18, please read this Youth Commitment agreement and complete and submit this Youth Volunteer form.

Kidway Youth Volunteer Form

Kidway summer serve

Every summer, we need new volunteers to step up and serve in our Kidway classes starting the first Sunday in June through the last Sunday of August. Would you like to invest in the life of a child this summer? Join our Kidway summer volunteer team on Sundays where we have fun together as we teach children about the Word of God.

Sign Up for Summer Serve
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