May 3, 2018

Welcome, Jon McKanna!




Starting June 1, we will have another addition to our growing staff. Jon McKanna will be joining our staff full time as a part of our Communications team and as the North Main Worship Leader. His primary responsibilities will be helping with graphics and other responsibilities in the Central Resourcing Communications department as well as leading, organizing and training our North Main Worship and Tech teams.

Jon, his wife, Kasey, and their two children, Molly and Cooper, will be moving from the Detroit area to be with us. Jon has been in full-time ministry leading worship and doing church communications for the past six years. Before that he served in the Lima criminal justice system, much of that time as a parole officer. Jon is originally from the Lima area, and they are excited to be closer to family and friends. Jon loves coaching and spending time with his kids, building and repurposing furniture, and playing sports.

Jon will be a great addition to the Gateway family. When you see them in June, give them a warm welcome!

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