January 6, 2020

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

As much as the advent season is a time of waiting and contemplation, with young children you can’t help but be drawn towards the celebratory side of Jesus’ birth. In the Christmas story, the angels sang, Mary sang, the shepherds rejoiced, and the wise men brought gifts. Such a joy-filled time of song and wonder, joy and excitement can open a door into our children’s hearts, allowing us to guide them into thinking about the deeper meanings of Christ’s first coming.

One tangible way to demonstrate to children the true meaning of Christmas is to throw a birthday party. The birthday of our King is the Best. Day. Ever! Taking some time one day to host an Advent Birthday Party for Jesus can be a memorable experience that will sink into our children’s hearts and prepare them for Christmas Day. What child doesn’t love and understand the concept of a birthday party? The waiting for the big day. The gifts (also awaited). The central figure (birthday boy or girl). The song of celebration, along with feasting (cake) and enjoyment.

This year, several of our preschool Kidway classes had a birthday party for Jesus as a way to celebrate His birth. Some of the classes began their party by acting out the story of Christmas complete with Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, shepherds, angels and animals. Others sang “Happy Birthday” to Jesus as they celebrated with party hats, noise makers, cookies and sprinkles! Such a fun and tangible way to celebrate our Savior's birth!

I pray your family’s Advent celebrations and contemplations led your family to a place of rest, hope and joy. As we begin this new year, I pray that you will continue to contemplate our King of kings who loves us and came to save us!




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