You can listen to or watch Gateway Podcast Episode 39 here.
Questions/topics addressed in this episode:
(NOTE: Timestamps are for video version only.)
Is it true that the one who rejects Christ is also bodily resurrected at the judgment; to be eternally separate from God and to suffer both physically and spiritually? (5:10)
My neighbor has been visiting Gateway and asked me if Gateway observes lent. I wasn’t sure how to respond. (6:10)
How are we to be tolerant of others while being called to “call out” others? (7:05)
I’ve heard that pastor “so and so’s” church is doing _____? Why aren’t we? (17:10)
Any advice on how a Christian should approach political elections when you believe that none of the candidates demonstrate Christian values? Is abstaining from the process the right answer? (23:55)
How do you feel about Christ followers voting? I’ve read multiple articles on this. Some feel that it is our God given duty to vote and others say that we should never “vouch for” or put our support behind someone that does not represent and majorly represent the ideals and morals of Christ. I don’t feel like I can personally vote because that would be casting my support for someone that doesn’t uphold the same values that I do or that Christ has called us to cherish. I want to make a biblically educated decision. Do you guys have any thoughts? (23:55)
My girlfriend and I are both active followers of Christ, but we interpret God's word in different ways when it comes to social, economic, and political issues. I center my thoughts around the heart: God's love and support for all; my girlfriend centers her stance on scripture and her Christian household upbringing, which in some cases is more black and white. Are there certain stances that we should take as Christ followers when it comes to BLM, peaceful protesting, LBGTQ, Republicans, Democrats, vaccinations, quarantine? Where is the fine line associated with each of these? Are differing views on these alone enough to cause a separation? (45:35)
Final Thought (54:10)
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