December 2, 2021

Corporate Worship Prayers


Father, we are beyond blessed to gather together as the church and glimpse the essence of what will be our eternity with you, in heaven. All of the saints gathered around the throne proclaiming the glory of Christ, forever. And it's why this gathering is so very important because it is that reminder of what heaven is and is meant to be and it helps us realize our view of heaven is, often times, deficient. It's a view that, more often than we're willing to admit, doesn't even have a throne. Or maybe the one for whom all our affections should be drawn towards, is more or less an object on the periphery of our heaven. He doesn't sit in the middle of it, but somewhere off to the side. Lord, forgive us. Heaven is more grand and more glorious than we dare to even dream and right in the middle of it is a kind, merciful, wise, glorious and perfect Savior, and his name is King Jesus, and he is the treasure of heaven. Forgive us for putting ourselves in the middle of it. And, Spirit, we pray that you would shape our hearts and our thoughts to the joy-filled gathering that is heaven, where Christ at the center of it all. And make it the longing of our hearts to know that heaven and to look forward with great expectation to that heaven. It's in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.


You alone are great and worthy of our praise. For you created the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you. Your Word recounts how you have been faithful to us through the ages. Yet we have sinned against you and fallen short in so many ways since the Fall. Our hearts, minds and actions are prone to wander; We love with condition; We judge and condemn; We cast the first stone; yet keep the logs in our own eyes. Lord, forgive us. Help us to take this time to recall where we have fallen short. We pray that your Spirit would help us to feel the gravity of our sinfulness and move us to true repentance. Change us from the inside, Lord, so that we would live lives that are reflective of the amazing love that You freely give us. Because Christ’s love crushes the weight of all of our sins, and lifts us up in the easy yoke of his grace and mercy. Help us to rest in the tender strength of your loving arms today and always so that we can in turn, share your love and light with those around us.

In Jesus’ beautiful name we pray, amen.


Almighty powerful Father, we praise you for the redemption that we have through Jesus Christ. For it is only through your son that we can come before you today, as we are. Broken, imperfect, flawed, rebellious, and yet, Lord, we are yours. We belong to you and you will never forsake the work you are doing in your people, in us. We ask now that you would illuminate our hearts to those lies and distractions that cause us to forget that we belong to you. Forgive us for offering up our time and devotion to the altar of success, power, importance, and self. We have all sought our own ways this week and humbly ask that you would gather us back into your safe, loving arms. The arms of our Good Shepherd. What more could we be thankful for as we celebrate with friends and family this week than the gift of Grace. May we live it and show it as we gather together. In your holy and precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen


Father, we come before you as a sinful people this morning who are desperate for truth. There are so many lies being whispered into our ears right now. It is no wonder that we often don’t know what to believe and our hearts get lead astray. It is too easy for us to buy into the ever-changing cultural thinking that surrounds us and for us to set up our own idols of worship. Lord, please, we beg you to speak your never-changing truth into our lives and tear down the idols that we’ve setup and hold dear. Help us get rid of the things in our lives that are not of you and help us to give our hearts fully to you. Tear down our will to rule our own lives and help us to put you on the throne of our hearts. May we find all of our satisfaction in you alone.

Father, give us discerning ears that are tuned in to your truth and that reject the lies of the evil one. Give us clear minds and pure hearts, when everything around us seems to be nothing but confusion and chaos. You are the God of order and truth and light. Help us to follow that light. Please break through in our lives in a powerful way today. In Your name we pray, amen.

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