December 27, 2021

Gateway's Big Rocks Manuscript

Sermon Title: Gateway’s Big Rocks
Speaker: Matt Heft
Main Passage: Luke 2:52
Date: 1/2/2022

You can watch the sermon here.
You can find the sermon notes



Good morning, my name is Matt Heft. I’m an elder here at Gateway. I would like to welcome you this morning whether you’re here in the Worship Center at County Road 9, worshipping at North Main, or even if you’re still in the midst of holiday travel, but made it a point to connect with your Gateway family online. You can’t tell me that after spending some time with your biological families, we don’t start to look kind of normal.

As some of you know, my family and I have moved around several times with my job. We’ve lived in and out of Findlay on three different occasions, in Illinois, in Indiana, and twice in Kentucky. Each location had a different feel, and for a while, we gained a kid at every new house. One neat experience was being able to immerse ourselves in a different church at each new home. At our church in Northern Kentucky, you know “Florence Y’all”, our church always started the year with a sermon on our church’s big rocks. I don’t know if it was just my personality, but I always looked forward to that sermon as we started the year. We would review our church’s big rocks and the pastor would provide some tangible ways we could grow in each of those areas.

A few years back, I was listening to their podcast and was reminded of how much I enjoyed the beginning of the year Big Rocks sermon. Gateway has similar big rocks. We generally call it our discipleship process. So a few years ago, I said something to Pastor Josh about this sermon and how I thought he should preach a sermon on Gateway’s big rocks at the beginning of the next year. The next year, I heard the sermon from Northern Kentucky again and so of course, I said, Pastor Josh, you should preach a sermon on Gateway’s big rocks to start off the year. And then the thought popped into my mind again and I said, Pastor Josh, you should preach a sermon at the start of the year about Gateway’s Big Rocks.

This morning, I would like to share with you a sermon on Gateway’s big rocks.

In 2022, when someone other than Pastor Josh is preaching, we will be covering our favorite verses. I have to admit, I find coming up with a favorite verse to be extremely challenging…but I can come up with a verse that would make my top 500. At the beginning of each year I try to spend some time thinking through my life and what areas I need to grow in. A verse that I’ve used as a starting point to keep in mind as I go through this effort is Luke 2:52. You’ll recall that the beginning of Luke Chapter 2 is the Christmas story that we talk about so often this time of year. You know, Jesus is born, the shepherds come, the baby Jesus is met by Simeon and Anna, and then his parents lose him at the Temple when he’s 12 years old. With one verse, we fast forward from pre-teen Jesus to when he was 30 years old and his recorded earthly ministry began.

Here’s what it says in Luke 2:52 – “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.”

Let’s read that verse again. “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” Wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. Now I always find it best to fend off the short jokes by attacking them head on. No, when setting my goals, I did not overlook the word stature. I will have you know that another translation for that word is maturity. But each year, I spend some time pondering if I have grown and how I have grown in wisdom; if I have grown and how I have grown in maturity; and if I have grown and how I have grown in my relationship with God and other people. And then spend some time thinking about how I want to grow in the year ahead.

This year, I want to challenge you to go through a similar exercise using Gateway’s discipleship process or big rocks from our Mission and Vision statements.

Gateway’s Vision and Mission Statements

I’m sure that you’re all very familiar with Gateway’s Mission statement. “Gateway Church exists to connect people to Jesus Christ and to one another”. We say it every week during the welcome and announcements. But you may not be as familiar with Gateway’s vision statement, which is built around our discipleship process, or at least for the purposes of this sermon, I’m going to call that our big rocks. At the beginning of each Session meeting (that’s when our elders meet), we start off with prayer and then we read through the vision and mission statements and reflect on how we are doing as a church. Follow along while I read them.

Our Mission is to connect people to Jesus Christ and one another

Our Vision…to be a church that connects people to Jesus Christ and to one another, we aim to:

  • Worship in a way that is Gospel-centered, contextual, and done with excellence,
  • Connect through Word-based application and caring for one another,
  • Serve the people in our church family, and
  • Go into the world by equipping, partnering with, and sending members to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The Gospel

It is so tempting to just jump into a list of ideas of how we can grow in Worship, Connecting with Others, Serving, and Going. Our culture seems to reward us far more for doing, instead of just being. But this morning, and I hope you see this all the time at Gateway, we start with what someone else has already done for us. Something we could never do ourselves. Many of you already know this, but perhaps you need a refresher.

We are sinners, every single one of us. We have turned away from God and we would continue to do that if it weren’t for the fact that God sent his own son to die for us. In fact, in I John 4:9, it says, “This is how God showed his love among us He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” You see, it is only through Jesus that true life can begin. Many in this room have accepted this truth and you have placed your trust in Jesus. But then, maybe it’s right away, maybe it’s a few years down the road, we go back to our way of doing things with little regard for what God has done for us through Jesus. We treat our salvation as if it happened back then, but it has little bearing on us now. That’s not at all what our verse in I John says. That verse tells that God sent Jesus into the world that we might live through him. He didn’t just bring me back to life. He brought me back to life and he sustains my life every day.

Gateway’s first big rock, and I would argue is the biggest of the big rocks, is The Gospel. Connecting people with Jesus Christ is fundamental to who we are as a church.

If we’re not careful, we’ll see some of the other things that I’m going to talk about this morning as a way to please God or make him happy with us. If you have placed your trust in Jesus Christ, he is already pleased with you. You can do no more than what Jesus has already done. Believe on him and rest in him.

But let’s not overlook the correct order of things as we see in Ephesians 2:8-10 For it is by graceyou have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Here's my big concern as I move forward with this sermon. I’m a little nervous that you’re going to hear do, do, do. So I want to clearly state up front. I want you to be connected to Jesus Christ and through this being, I want to challenge how you’re living.

Again, first big rock, the Gospel.

The Word & Prayer

Before I get into any specific statement from our vision, I need to address two disciplines that will run through each Vision statement. Those two disciplines are spending time in the Word and Prayer. These will provide a foundation for us as we navigate through our Christian lives. You know what, this actually reminds me of a song we used to sing in Sunday School growing up. “Read your Bible, pray every day, pray every day, pray every day, read your Bible, pray every day and you’ll grow, grow, grow.”

And of course, when we sang this song, we would start squatted down real low and each time we said the word grow, we would grow ourselves a couple inches until we were standing up as tall as possible.

Now of course, there is a second verse to that song, it went like this, “neglect your Bible, forget to pray, forget to pray, forget to pray, neglect your Bible, forget to pray and you’ll shrink, shrink, shrink.” With each repetition of the word shrink, we would drop down a few more inches until we were flat on our bellies pushing ourselves into the floor.

There’s a reason Shaun and Jon won’t let me lead worship. But you get the point. Many of us are living depleted, powerless Christian lives, we’re failing to grow, and likely feel like we’re shrinking. A big reason for that is likely due to a lack of spending time in His Word and prayer.

Let me explain the card you have in front of you and what I’m asking from you in today’s sermon. I’m asking that you would seek out areas that God would want you to grow in in the coming year. For you, perhaps it’s growth in one particular big rock, for someone else, it may be growth with each Big Rock, so you just pick one or two items from each category. Maybe you decide that none of these suggestions work for you so you change and adapt them to challenge yourself to grow in 2022.

Back to the Bible and Prayer ideas.

  • We need to have a daily rhythm of reading and meditating on God’s Word. So my first challenge is to read your Bible every day. If you're new to reading your Bible daily, maybe start with a short plan. You can find some great ones through the YouVersion Bible app, Our Daily Bread, or many others. If you’re ready for something more, choose a Bible reading plan that takes you through the entire Bible in a year, or 18 months, or 2 years. I don’t care how long it takes you, just get into the Word, every day.
  • A couple side notes, sometimes we can be going through life with a great rhythm of digging into the Word, spending time in prayer each day, and then something happens that just throws off our routine. If that’s you, spend some time figuring out how to bring Bible reading and prayer back into your life in a meaningful way.
  • Also, I’ll mention this several more times, but at what age should this start? I think this is a discipline that really needs to start when you’re 45. No, of course not. This is for all of us. Elementary students that are in here, each of you would have gotten a Bible from Kidway in first grade. Read it. Middle schoolers, high schoolers, college students, read your Bibles. Older folks, read your Bibles. And if reading it is challenging for you, listen to it.
  • To get even more from your Bible reading, have a notebook or a journal out and write down insights that God gives to you as you’re reading his Word. Jot down questions that the text brings up for you. And write down things that the spirit highlights that you need to pray about.
  • In addition to Bible reading, we need to spend time each day in prayer. As we reflect on the Scripture and also the challenges that the coming day will bring, it is a great time to lay our burdens before our heavenly father, asking him to guide us and show us how to live for him in the midst of this life. This is also a great time to confess sin and pray for wisdom to grow in our relationship with Christ. You might pray using the ACTS model, Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication, or you might pray based off of a prayer prompt, or a scripted prayer (but make sure you stay tuned into what you’re reading), or a prayer list. Maybe you need to start with a 10 minute timer…ok, 5 minutes, ok 2 minutes, ok, a 1 minute timer. But whatever amount of time, spend time each day in prayer.
  • Purchase some resources devoted to prayer. Books like Valley of Vision, The Book of Common Prayer, Piercing Heaven, Every Moment Holy, or even a volume such as The Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs of Isaac Watts are helpful resources for giving rich and robust language to our times of prayer and worship.
  • Read A Praying Life by Paul Miller. This is an easy read, and a very practical, down-to-earth guide of how we should be thinking about prayer in our lives. This was on my reading list to read every few years…after reading it again this past year, I think it needs to move up to an annual read.


Ok, now that we’ve laid the foundation of the Gospel, the Bible, and prayer, let’s take a look at the first step in Gateway’s discipleship process, worship.

Worship in a way that is Gospel-centered, contextual, and done with excellence. And we have a verse that would also fit well here and support Worship as one of our big rocks. Let’s look at Hebrews 10:24-25.

And let us consider how to spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another -and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Go ahead and put the entire vision statement back up on the screen and just highlight this first one. See, if we’re not careful we can look at the second, third, and fourth bullets and we can easily see that we have some personal responsibility. However, this first one, worship, can almost read as if it’s up to someone else. Pastor Josh and others that preach are responsible for keeping everything Gospel-Centered. Worship music should be contextual…that means Shaun and Jon should play the songs that I like, right? And done with excellence. The preaching should be excellent, the worship music should be excellent, and even the announcements should be done with excellence. Do you see what’s missing with this mindset? You. We put the burden on other people, but if we’re not careful, we think that our only responsibility with this first step in the discipleship process is to show up. No preparation, no requirements once we’re here, just show up. That’s certainly not what the passage from Hebrews says to us. How can we stir one another up to love and good works, or encourage each other, if we’re in and out before we even have a chance to talk to someone.

So, if I want you to do more than just show up for worship, what would I challenge you to do? Well first, as we just went over, I want you to prepare for this service all week long by spending daily time in Bible reading and prayer. But here are some additional, tangible, and practical ways that you can do that.

  • Now, I’m probably speaking to the wrong crowd…you’re here on January 2…but the first thing I would remind you of…we need to show up for Worship each week. How can we grow as a body? How can we encourage each other if we’re not even here? And don’t just get here, get here 15 minutes early, stay 15 minutes later so you can spend time with the body of Christ, stirring each other up and encouraging each other.
  • Focusing in on the Gospel, make it a daily practice to remind yourself of the gospel and why it's for you now, just as much as the day you first heard it. The gospel shapes hearts for worship and should be the source of all our worship practices both corporate and individually. A couple good books to highlight the importance of the gospel in our lives each day are Note to Self by Joe Thorn and a Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent.
  • Here’s a resource that I worked through in 2021. It was challenging, and at times overwhelming, but so good to explore a variety of spiritual disciplines for growing in my walk with Jesus. This book is called the Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Calhoun. With sections devoted to topics like Worship, Opening Myself to God, Sharing My Life with Others, and Prayer, along with others, I can almost guarantee that you will be thoroughly challenged by this book and even more so as you put some of these disciplines into practice. While many of these spiritual disciplines are for you as an individual, you’ll see that they quickly spill over into our relationships with others.
  • I’m not saying this next one just to get the Gateway podcast moved up in the podcast rankings. But if you feel like you don’t know Pastor Josh as well as you’d like, listening to the Gateway Podcast will allow you to hear from him, grow closer to him, and be more prepared as he faithfully opens the Word with us each week. In addition, you’ll learn a lot about other things going on at Gateway and get to meet other staff and volunteers. Subscribe and listen to the Gateway Podcast…and maybe send in a few questions.
  • I know we have a lot of options when it comes to our music playlists, but make sure that you spend some time with a playlist dedicated to worship music. Singing and worshipping on your own will help you prepare for worshipping with the body on Sunday mornings. If you’re not sure of a playlist, check out the playlists that Gateway has put together on Spotify.
  • Also, did you know that the manuscripts for each sermon are posted online ahead of that Sunday’s sermon? Take some time to read over the manuscript and allow God to begin working on your heart even before you walk through the doors.


The next big rock in Gateway’s discipleship process is Connect. Again, from our Vision statement, we say that we want to Connect through Word-based application and caring for one another. The major way we define this is through our Life Groups.

I want to look at some verses from 2 Peter chapter 1. Turn with me there in your Bibles, 3“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” And where does that knowledge come from? From the Bible. Picking up in verse 5, “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  The attributes listed in these verses are learned from the Bible, but they are driven deep into our lives as we grow in close proximity to others. Life Groups provide us with that opportunity.

So, yes, this is the section where I challenge you to join a Life Group, whether it's an adult group or our Sunday night Life Groups for those in Middle School and High School. But, it’s January 2…you here this morning aren’t your average church attendee. You’re probably already in a Life Group and maybe even leading one. How would I challenge someone that is already in a Life Group?

  • This first challenge doesn’t start in someone’s home, it starts right here in this room, or at North Main, at the café at either campus, in the attic for the youth. Watch for those that need someone to connect with them…and then connect with them! Look around there someone you don't know? Try to connect with someone new-to-you every week this month. Talk to them about life, see how they’re doing. And when appropriate, ask them to join in with you at Life Group, or help them to connect with a Life Group that would be a good fit for them.
  • For those already in a Life Group, don’t just show up to your group, Show Up! Show up ready (ready with the Gospel, filled up with God’s word, and a heart that has been praying). Show up ready to pour into others, show up ready to be poured into. This means that you’re going to need to be both intentional and vulnerable. And let me take this beyond just group meetings. Initiate conversation with your Life Group throughout the week, especially if you are not the leader. You have no idea the joy that it brings to your Life Group leader to see the group connecting throughout the week without them having to initiate each conversation. If we think we will grow in faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love from a casual interaction for a couple hours every couple of weeks, we’re sorely mistaken. We need those constant, ongoing relationships to keep pushing us forward to who God has called us to be in Jesus.
  • Instead of just telling people you will pray for them, actually pray for them right there in the moment AND pray for them later. And remember to check back in and see how they are doing. This is a great way we can connect and care for each other.
  • Find opportunities for and lead your Life Group into service. This could be service within our church body or in our community. And again, you have no idea the encouragement it brings when this is done by someone in the group that does not have the title of Life Group leader.
  • Sign up and participate in at least one Equip Class this year. We provide these classes for ongoing discipleship, but they are also a terrific way to get to know more people in this body. And as you heard in the announcements, this week is the due date for signing up for several of them.
  • Read Iron Sharpens Iron by Orlando Saer. This book is recommended by EdGrable and is billed as a practical guide for leading Bible-oriented small groups.


Gateway’s third step in the discipleship process is Serve. Serve the people in our church family.

In I Corinthians and in Ephesians 4, we are encouraged to think of the church as a body with many parts. Have you ever noticed that Ephesians 4:12-13 tells us why? “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

One of the main ways that we challenge members to serve is on Sunday mornings. Don’t hear what I’m not saying, yes, you can serve your family and neighbors throughout the week and I hope you do. By serving the Gateway church family on Sunday mornings, it gives us the opportunity to serve this family we should be building up. If you are well-along in your faith, you serve as an example to younger believers. If you are newer in your faith, serving on Sunday mornings will provide the training wheels to serve beyond these walls.

Now, I know, it can be somewhat intimidating to begin to serve in any ministry area. Do you know what I think would be the most intimidating? That sound board back there…or…maybe the nursery…but I know some of you would thrive in those roles. What’s holding you back?

Let me share a quick story with you. (Hurricanes’ emergency goalie David Ayres beats Maple Leafs, NBC Sports Adam Gretz, February 22, 2020.) It was late February in 2020 before things started to shutdown from COVID. The Carolina Hurricanes, a professional hockey team in the NHL traveled to Canada to play the Toronto Maple Leafs. Halfway through the second period of the game, the Carolina Hurricanes goalie was injured. This goalie was already the backup goalie, because the other one had been injured a couple days before. This left Carolina with no goalie. They had no other goalies with them on the trip. In any other sport, it seems like someone else on the team would have to suit up and fill the missing role. Evidently that’s not the case in hockey. Instead, the Zamboni driver for the Toronto Maple Leafs was tapped to play as the emergency goalie for the Carolina Hurricanes. The first two shots on goal got past him, but then he completely stopped Toronto from scoring in the third period, leading to a Carolina Hurricanes 6 to 3 victory.

I know some of you are concerned about how well you might do in any given serving context. It can be scary to jump into something new. I don’t think I need to repeat this a bunch, because I think you’ll get my point. When it comes to serving at Gateway, we don’t always need a professional goalie. A Zamboni driver with a big heart will do just fine.

So what are some ways that you can grow in the area of Serving in 2022? I’m glad you asked.

  • This first one is one I want to challenge myself with. As you get ready to step into your service role each week, say a prayer asking God to give you a heart for the people that he’s giving you the opportunity to serve. If you’re in the parking lot, start praying for that family as soon as you see the minivan pulling down County Road 9; if you’re in the nursery, pray over each of those babies; if you’re singing in the worship band, pray that we will not only hear the beauty of your voice, but the beauty of the Gospel. Pray before, during, and after serving.
  • Who can you invite along to serve beside you? Who could you teach to do what you’re doing? Invite someone who isn't currently plugged in to serve with you for a month. And parents, our kids should be the first to come to mind when we think of bringing others along to serve alongside us.
  • Maybe you’re waiting for someone to come to you to say that they need you to help in a particular area. If that’s you, then this section is for you. Consider this your personal invitation. We could use people that are willing to help serve:
  • In Kidway, as large group song leaders, special needs one-on-one buddies, large group tech assistants, small group leaders, large group Bible story tellers, check-in assistants, small group helpers, nursery workers, preschool teachers, Sunday morning set-up crew, Kidway stage design – ooh, there’s another one that you don’t want me to do,
  • In First Impressions as a greeter, an usher, or in the café, or in the parking lot. We also need people that are willing to serve at the What’s Next? Wall and Welcome Center.
  • During the service – be a part of the tech team, behind the stage running the video and graphics, operate the camera, volunteer to pray for those that want prayer on Sunday mornings, audition for the worship team as a singer, guitarist, keyboardist, drummer, or saxophone player – that one was for you, Josh
  • And let’s not forget a few ways to serve Gateway above and beyond Sunday mornings delivering gifts to first time visitors at their homes, as a Life Group leader, a deacon, or an elder.
  • Many of the roles I mentioned above are appropriate for even the youngest members of our Gateway family.
  • Whatever the role may be, sign up to serve on a regular basis. If you’re already serving once or twice a month, what would it look like to add one more Sunday to the mix?
  • Read the book, Lead Small – by Reggie Joiner and Tom Shefchunas
  • Like I mentioned when I started, let serving be the training wheels to serve your family and neighbors. What are some ways that you can be serving them?


Gateway’s final step in the discipleship process is Go. We want to be a church that “Goes into the world by equipping, partnering with, and sending members to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.” In John 4:35, it says, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” Have you ever seen a field that is white for harvest? The sun will hit it just right and there’s no question that that wheat is ready to be harvested. Jesus is telling his disciples to look up because that’s what the world looks like right now. It is white for harvest, it is ready, it is time.

At Gateway, we want you to be growing in harvesting. Here are some practical ways to do that.

  • Go on a domestic or international mission trip OR give money generously to support those going on a trip OR lead a prayer support team for one of these trips.
  • Sign up for the Outreach Opportunities Group. This is a group that Cody O will send out emails to about local opportunities to serve.
  • City Mission
  • College student mentoring
  • Projects at people’s homes
  • These opportunities are local…we have fields white for harvest right next to us.
  • Sign up for Prayercast, or some other site where you can get missions related prayer needs, and commit to pray for each topic. Sincere prayer is one of the most powerful ways to "go". Go to the Voice of the Martyrs website and sign up for a free Global Prayer Guide. Commit to praying everyday this month for an unreached people group, a specific nation or missionary. Ask God to expand your vision of what he is doing in the world and to burden your heart for the lost.
  • Adopt a people group as a family to pray for, study them, interact with those that work among them, learn all you can and pray with understanding, find someone in the area from that nation or people group if at all possible and connect.
  • Invite a neighbor or co-worker you don't know very well over for dinner. Start building genuine relationships with people outside your normal circle of friends.
  • The fields are white for harvest. Let’s get out into our mission fields, wherever they may be and start gathering.


I appreciate you taking this journey with me today to talk about Gateway’s big rocks, the Gospel, the Bible, Prayer, Worship, Connect, Serve, and Go. I hope you’ll spend some time today reflecting on what God is calling us each to do in 2022.

Let me close us in prayer.


Dear God, thank you for a new year and a new opportunity to serve you. We know that 2022 will come with ups and downs, just like in prior years, but we pray that we would grow closer to you, so that we see each event of this year through a different lens. Help us to grow in holiness as we strive to look more and more like Jesus.

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