May 4, 2021

Corporate Worship Prayers - April 2021



Father in Heaven, what a precious and joy-filled gift it is to gather here and celebrate our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! His family and friends laid his body in a tomb and sealed it up with a stone and they thought that was it, Jesus was dead and it felt like a period at the end of the worst sentence ever written. Little did they know it was merely a comma because on that first Easter Christ got up, he shook off the dust of sin, and he waltzed out of that tomb with the keys and the deed to death in hand. Father, we are a people stumbling through a broken and fallen world and we still fall into sin's snare, but it is Christ's work on the cross that endures and casts a long, unassailable umbrella over our tired and wearied souls. It is Christ who even now stands before your throne, gazing upon us with mercy, proclaiming that we are his now and forever. Father, thank you! You could've simply left us adrift in a sea of our own darkness and despair, condemned for all eternity, but, instead, you chose to graciously draw us back to yourself and you did it through the person and work of Jesus Christ whom we gather here today to celebrate and ascribe all glory and honor! And there are none who have strayed so far, none so wretched they cannot be redeemed by his work, by his taking our place on that bloody cross. Spirit, help us to live in light of this precious gift of salvation each and every day. Help us to bind ourselves to the assurance we have in Christ alone. It's in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.


Loving God,

We give you thanks and praise this morning for who you
are, giver of life, and love itself. God, we confess that our
hearts are so prone to wander; that the hard things in our
lives often cause us to turn to fear and grasp ever the
more tightly for control, rather than resting in the hope
and security that you have promised us.
Jesus, help us to take our gaze off
of the what ifs and onto the security of the Gospel. The beauty of the
love story that You have written from the beginning of time:
that You have chosen us, a sinful people, and made us
righteous so that we may enjoy eternity with you forever
in heaven. Spirit, we pray that you would work in our hearts and help
us to rest in Your love and truth. Help us to rehearse the
truths of your Word and to trust in your faithfulness;
knowing that you are working all things together for our
good and your glory.
We love you, and we thank you.


Gracious loving God, giver of all good things, hear our praise to you here today. We gather together to seek you and to recall your faithfulness to us - for we are prone to forget. We forget how you have dealt with us. How you have poured out Mercy, forgiveness, patience, care and love. You have kept us from destruction that we can’t see, you have walked alongside us in the dark places and you have lifted us out of the valley over and over again. Thank you, Lord. Forgive us for questioning your goodness towards us and for not trusting you. Forgive us for not wanting the good gifts you have given us and thinking that we know what we need. Change us. Help us to die to self and live for you.

Lord, as we gather, make us mindful that not only do we gather here but we join together with your church all over the world to worship you. We are so grateful to be a part of your Kingdom. We bless and praise your name almighty father. Amen


Father God,

You are the mighty creator of everything. You give life to the universe. You spoke man into existence. You created us to be one with you forever.

But we chose our own way. We thought we knew better. And God, we surely did not.

Please forgive us. Cleanse us. And make us right with you. Lord, the only way we can be made right is through the perfect life, death and resurrection of your son, Jesus. Help our hearts to dwell on that daily and change us because of it.

Help us to seek you, trust you, and follow you in all that we do. For we are your people.

In Jesus’ saving name, Amen.


Glorious Lord, we praise you and lift you high this morning. We thank you that we have the freedom to gather together to worship you, fellowship with one another and hear your word spoken. Lord, there is so much confusion and untruth and evil in the world today, sometimes we get overwhelmed and forget to turn to you, our refuge and strength, our comfort and shelter. Father, open our hearts to your truth this morning. Build us up with your promises . . . fill our cups with the Holy Spirit . . . so much that we can’t help but overflow with your word as we go out from this place and into our everyday lives. Lord, help us to be a light in the darkness and truth in the madness that surrounds us on a daily basis. Give us the strength to boldly carry the gospel to those you have prepared to hear it.

God, we also ask that you cleanse our hearts from sin today. Please forgive us for our disobedience and for all the ways that we have missed the mark and not lived up to your standard of holiness. We thank you for your son Jesus and for his perfect work on the cross. Without him, our souls were dead on arrival, Father. What an amazing work you have done through Jesus to take away our sins and make us a holy people unto yourself. We pray that our worship and praises are a pleasing aroma to you this morning.

Now Lord, please reveal your truth to us through your word. Prepare our hearts and minds for what the Holy Spirit has to say. In your name we pray, amen.

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