September 1, 2021

Corporate Worship Prayers


Thank you Lord for choosing to love broken people such as ourselves. We take this time to acknowledge our need for you. For even in our attempts to be good and not sin against you, we will still miss the mark because of our broken hearts. We can look whole and put together on the outside and convince others and ourselves that we aren't guilty. Forgive us. For if we had a glimpse of your holiness, we would realize that we deserve death. We deserve the punishment of the cross. We would see ourselves rightly.  Open our eyes to who we are in light of who you are and then Lord fix our eyes on Jesus. Today we remember his broken body for our's. His broken relationship with you for our right standing before you. His bondage for our freedom. His perfect, holy life for our imperfect, broken lives. Thank you for your faithfulness to us and your unending grace. We love you. 



Father, we praise you for all your marvelous works. The work of creation, the work in our hearts and most importantly the work of your son Jesus. Lord we lay our hearts out before you now, to you alone, the only one who knows the depths and inner workings of us all. Lord, we shutter at the thought that you see everything. It should amaze and terrify us all at the same time. For how could you possibly love and accept us knowing what lies beneath? Some of us here today feel unforgivable and unlovable by you. Forgive us and comfort us with the knowledge of your grace through Christ. At times, Lord, we are also guilty of thinking we have nothing to confess. We minimize our sin by comparing ourselves to each other. Forgive us. Help us to see ourselves in light of your holiness that we would never forget our need for our Savior. For we have not loved you with our whole heart, and we have not loved others as you do. We are poor and powerless in our fight against our flesh but you fought for us. You didn't look away from us because of our sin, you looked away from your Son for us. You didn't overlook our sin, you paid for it. Lord, refresh our souls today as we seek forgiveness. Remind us of our place with you as your sons and daughters and let that lead us back into the world, shining your light in the dark places. Come Lord Jesus, come. 



Father God,
We thank you for the salvation that we have in Jesus and the gift
that it is to gather together this morning in his name. Gracious
God, source of all life, Lord of mercy and grace, we come before
you, for we are broken and hurting and in need of your healing:
The physical healing of our bodies and souls,
The healing of our relationships,
The healing of our pride and fear and apathy, and idolatry,
The healing of the brokenness of others’, whose ripple effects
cause us pain and despair,
Help us to be daily reminded of our desperate need for change;
the change that only comes through belief in the One who came
to rescue all of his people. The one who offers hope and
healing and forgiveness of sins.
Thank you Jesus, that because of your death and resurrection,
we have been made right with you. You gently whisper to us that
we are known, we are loved, and we are never forgotten. That
you have created us on purpose and for a purpose. And that you
have come to restore and make us a new creation- knowing the
full capacity of our brokenness.
Spirit, we pray that you would etch these truths into our hearts
and allow us to take comfort in the God who is present with us.
The God who gave His only Son for us. We pray that you would
mold our hearts to be more like yours so that our lives would be a
light and blessing to all those around us.
We ask all of these things in the Name of your beautiful son,
Jesus Christ...
And all of God’s children said together—- Amen.


Father, it is good to be in your house today. We thank you for this place of refuge where we can commune with your people, where we can sing your praises, where we can share our burdens with one another, where we can worship freely and where we can hear the truth of your word spoken. Lord, we thank you for being our rock and our hiding place. When the world feels like it is caving in around us, when we feel powerless to do anything about it, when sickness and death surround us, when disasters strike, when countries and leaders crumble and fall, when we feel like sin has won and Satan has conquered us . . . we can run to you. Father, we acknowledge that you hold everything in Your hands. Help us to remember this truth when we feel hopeless and weak and helpless. Help us to recall the words of the psalmist . . .

Where can I go to escape Your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there. If I live at the eastern horizon or settle at the western limits, even there your hand will lead me; your right hand will hold on to me. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me, and the light around me will be night” — even the darkness is not dark to you. The night shines like the day; darkness and light are alike to you.

Lord, we know you are working everything together for the good of those who love you and are called by you. Help us to believe this in our hearts and to cling to this truth every minute of every day.

Father, thank you for saving us . . . help us to daily find our joy and peace in you alone. In your name we pray, amen.


Lord, you are holy and sovereign and good. Nothing is outside of your control. We come here to be reminded of these truths because today, as we see what is unfolding in our world, none of these things seem true and if we are honest, we are asking, “Where are you, Lord?” Nations are crumbling, lives are being taken, wars are raging, sickness, conflict and tensions rising. Our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan ask, “How long, O Lord?” We ask, “How long, O Lord?” And you patiently say to us through your Word, "The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD." So, help us to wait for you. Help us to trust the promise that despite these circumstances you are near. Thank you for the reminder that we are a sinful people, and we actually deserve the consequences of our fallen world, but you did not. There is nothing we see or experience that you didn't face. You endured all the pain and suffering we see today on our behalf. Forgive us for putting our hope in this world. For setting our treasures in our bank accounts, homes, friends, careers. You are all we need. And you are so much better. We will not fear for we know you have overcome. We will praise you in the midst of the chaos and tragedy. We will wait for you, LORD. For your steadfast love never ceases and your mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.


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