April 20, 2022

Farmhouse Sale

The Elders of Gateway Church, along with the support of the Finance Committee, want to let you know that a decision has been made to sell the farmhouse located at the southwest corner of the County Road 9 Campus property. Perhaps you are asking yourself, “The church owns that?” The answer is yes, the house was part of land purchased years ago that enabled the new Worship Center to be built and add additional parking when Gateway expanded.

The church leadership has decided to sell the farmhouse for the following reasons:

  • Farmhouse care is a distraction requiring constant repairs, maintenance and updates.
  • Renting out the house is not a part of Gateway Church’s mission and not necessary for additional income.
  • The white garage, currently used for church storage, has a rodent problem which would require costly updates to resolve.
  • There is a need for purpose-built storage closer to the County Road 9 Campus building.

A portion of the sale will be used to build an improved storage facility closer to the County Road 9 Campus building to replace the farmhouse garage. Once the home has sold and the cost of a new storage building is finalized, we will then be able to communicate plans for what we will do with the remaining proceeds.

Stay tuned, and thank you for praying with us as we seek to be good stewards of all God has blessed us with.

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