April 5, 2022

Corporate Prayers


Father, what a joy it is to be together, to sing and celebrate the gospel of Jesus Christ. To receive and to share your grace as your people. And what a relief it is to know the true depths of that grace and we praise you for being so very kind to us. We're stubborn. We're unserious. We're unfeeling and we're blind to the depths of our own sin. These things lead us to entertain and indulge the weaknesses of our flesh. They beckon us to abandon our savior, stray from him, find comfort in the distractions of the wilderness. Father, forgive us for lending our ear to such things. For giving our hearts to such things. Forgive us our sinful desires to know the world, and forsake our savior. And Spirit, we pray you would help us to remember there is grace for our failings. Help us to remember that Christ is merciful and loves his people. It is all too easy to consider our sin and lead ourselves to believe there is no grace for such offense. May grace abound and stir deep within us the longing and the desire to know Christ more and more. To know that just when we think we've reached the end of our sin soaked ropes, we find Jesus, and his grace is all the more. We also ask that each day as our minds begin to process and prioritize the pieces before us, Christ would be preeminent. It's in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.


Loving God,

Thank you for this beautiful time that we share to gather together and sing
and to celebrate the gospel of Jesus Christ. Father, we do not take this
time for granted and we are grateful for the freedom and safety that we
enjoy in this country that many of our brothers and sisters around the
world do not have.

Jesus, we admit that our lives are full of noise and distractions. The daily
news and social media feeds abound with heartbreaking stories of war,
despair, and of a world in desperate need of a Savior. Jesus, it is so
difficult to not become overwhelmed with all that is going on around us, or
with our own busy schedules and personal lives. We admit that too often
we have cared more about what the world says, than what Your Word
says. But your Word is a love story written for us, detailing the extent to
which you have gone and continue to go to reach your children. You have
proven your faithfulness to us again and again. Help us to recount who
you are, to fix our eyes on your cross and the death which you willingly
bore so that we could be with you forever.

Spirit, help us this morning to simply be quiet and still, so you would fill the
willing spaces of our hearts with more of you. Help us to refuse to let any
of the noise of the world define our lives, and instead, let the love of your
Word refine all of our lives-so that we would be a beautiful reflection of
your love to all who would see. It’s in the wonderful name of Christ that we
have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.


Lord, you have invited us to come to you today. Bringing before you all of our
hearts. We give you thanks and praise for this sacred time of praise and
adoration, hear us now as we offer up our songs and words of praise and
the needs that are on our hearts today…

Father, you have also invited us to draw near as we confess our sins and not
run away. You promise to forgive. Search our hearts now, show us our need
for you and help us to be honest with ourselves about our sin and not fear
your response for you are a gracious and merciful Father…

Lord, thank you for your forgiveness through your son Jesus Christ. We ask
now that we would experience the freedom that comes with confession.
Help us to remember your love and faithfulness as we let go of the burden
of our sin and flesh, knowing that you have carried it all for us to Calvary.

Thank you for our salvation. Amen.


Hear the words of our Savior:

“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Come, then, for all is ready.

Let us pray: Father, we come not because we ought, but because we may; not because we are worthy, but because we are penitent; not because we are strong, but because we are weak; not because we are whole, but because we are broken. Your table is a place you have invited us to through the shed blood of Christ, our Lord. As we draw near to your table, let us confess our sins. Lord, hear our prayers:

<moment of personal prayer>

Father, we thank you for the person and work of Jesus Christ, who for the joy set before him endured the cross on our behalf, and in doing so cancelled our debt. Now he claims us as his own for all eternity. Spirit, help us to full assurance that we have life eternal and unending hope in Jesus Christ. It's in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.

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