May 1, 2022

Corporate Prayers


Lord, we thank you for this time when we can gather together to sing and celebrate the gospel and to stir up one another in our zeal for Christ. Whether we realize it or not, our time together is good and important for our spirits. Regardless of the state in which we entered this room today, we are a people prone to forgetfulness. There are seemingly endless moments when we feel helpless and overwhelmed. When the ground around us feels unstable and our steps unsure, we so easily forget you are with us, as you always are. It's in those moments when the refrain of weakness seems to rattle inside the deep corners of our minds and drive us toward self-reliance rather than resting in the strength of our Savior. Forgive us. Forgive us for thinking we just need to be stronger. Forgive us for thinking we are on our own. Forgive us for putting our faith in ourselves. Spirit, teach us to rest in Christ. Help us to remember that in our weakness his power is perfect. Lord, we require constant reminding that you are faithful. That you are nearer to us than we are to ourselves. That you know the deepest parts of our hearts, sin and all, and you still love us and are with us, even to the end. This is our hope, this our assurance. It's in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.


Lord, we gather here today to celebrate Christ's victory over sin and death. It was our sin that demanded a sacrifice. And it was a sacrifice that had to be perfect. And Christ, in his perfection, offered himself for us. He suffered our punishment and died the death meant for us. And here is where the story turns and hope eclipses our despair. Death had no grip on him. The tomb couldn't hold him. There was no sin too great that his blood could not cover its debt. And as if conquering sin and death weren't enough, by his stripes we were healed. Through his death and his resurrection we have eternal life. We have joy. We have peace. And it's all because of Jesus. Father, for all the days we've despaired despite Christ's perfect, saving work - forgive us. For all the days we've failed to marvel at the wonder and glory of a worthy lamb offering himself up for us - forgive us. For all the days we've forgotten the resurrection - forgive us. And Spirit, we pray that each day we would be in awe of our Risen Savior. That we would celebrate the resurrection not only today, but every day. We have a savior who loves us more deeply than we can even possibly imagine. Help our restless souls to be stilled and our wonder of our perfect and holy savior to be stirred. It's in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.


Lord, we fall at your feet this morning in awe of your infinite glory. You are holy and worthy of all of our praise. Father, we’ve only seen a sliver of your majesty and power, but it is enough for us to tremble at the thought of being in your presence.

We confess that we have fallen short of your standard of holiness, Lord. Try as we might, we fail time and time again. Every time we think we have conquered sin, it trips us up again. We think we are good people, with good intentions who want to do good things. How quickly forget your word that says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” God, you are the only one who is truly good and empowers us to do good. You are the only one who has conquered sin and death and hell and covers our unrighteousness with the righteousness of your son.

Thank you Lord, thank you. We can never thank you enough for saving us and making a way for us to be with you forever. We are forever grateful for the unconditional love you have shown us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Father, help our praise be pleasing to you this morning. Help it to be authentic and from a heart that has been changed and called by you. We love you, Lord. In your name we pray, amen.

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