November 21, 2022

A Great Gift for Christmas

It is almost Christmas! You are probably still wondering what final last second gifts to put under the tree. Part of the challenge in picking Christmas gifts is selecting things that won’t be set aside and forgotten about by New Years. Even worse is giving a gift that, sometime in April, you are trying to find a way to sneak it out to the trash because you have stepped on it more than the kids have played with it. 

One of the most important gifts we can give to our kids is God’s Word. At Gateway Church, we provide 1st graders with their very own Bible. If you’ve had any kids who have received that gift, you know firsthand how excited they are to receive them! The Adventure Bible that we provide is a fantastic first ‘big kid’ Bible for elementary aged students. However at some point, it's not the Bible your pre-teen or teen wants to carry around with them. There is a better solution than just being okay with your child not wanting to bring their Bible places anymore.

For Christmas this year we want to encourage you to look into getting a new “grown up” Bible for your student(s). This is a gift that will be able to be used for years to come and has a better chance of going to college than one more lego set or video game! There are a variety of fantastic translations that we use in the teaching ministries at Gateway Church and each of those translations have a wide range of styles. To get you started, here are some links to check out as possible gifts for your kids. If you have any questions on what to be looking for, please let us know!

We pray that a Bible is a gift that you give this year that leaves a lasting impression on your kids for many years to come!

ESV Bibles

This is the main teaching translation used on Sunday mornings at Gateway Church.

ESV Value Compact Bible (TruTone, Olive, Celtic Cross Design)

This is a great, basic ESV Bible.

ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Artist Series (Joshua Noom, The Lion and the Lamb)

This is a beautiful Bible that is designed with a single column of scripture leaving room for your personal notes along the side as you study. 

ESV Study Bible, Personal Size: ESV Bibles

This is the same Bible that Adam uses. It is chock full of notes and additional commentary to provide context to what you’re reading!

ESV Student Study Bible (TruTone, Turquoise)

This was Emily’s first Bible as well as her favorite to give as a gift. This student study Bible is designed with commentary, notes, character profiles, and more to help student’s or those new to their faith a better understanding of scripture.

NIV Bibles

If your child received a first grade Bible from Gateway Church, it is an NIV translation. This translation is also what is used throughout Kidway for all of the children’s memory verses!

NIV, Thinline Bible, Bonded Leather, Black, Red Letter, Comfort Print

A classic style of an NIV Bible that is more compact than some study Bibles. 

NIV, Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter, Thumb Indexed

A great study Bible that provides commentary and notes about the scripture! This Bible also has thumb indexes to help you navigate through the books of the Bible more efficiently!

NIV, Journal the Word Bible, Cloth over Board, Pink Floral, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Reflect, Take Notes, or Create Art Next to Your Favorite Verses

This is one of the Bible’s that Emily uses on a regular basis. The single column print provides lots of space to take notes on what God is trying to teach us through specific verses! 

New Living Translation (NLT) Bibles

This translation is also used on Sunday mornings to provide additional understanding. We have copies in the attic that are often used during youth group. This is the most “modernized language” translation of the three provided.  

NLT Compact Bible, Filament Enabled Edition (Red Letter, LeatherLike, Rustic Brown)

A basic double column NLT Bible. 

NLT Study Bible (Red Letter, Hardcover Cloth, Blue)

A great NLT study Bible.

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