July 2, 2024

Corporate Prayers June 2024


Heavenly Father, who else is like you? You are unending, unchanging, and fully sufficient in and of yourself. Holy, perfect, innocent, and pure. You created the heavens and the earth and everything in them. You put the stars in the sky and you know each by name. You don’t need us–you are fully satisfied and whole on your own– yet you still care for us personally and intimately and desire a relationship with us. We are humbled by your greatness, Lord, and gladly worship you for all you are. But God, so often we lose sight of who you are and as a result, view ourselves wrongly. We crown ourselves as rulers of our own lives, thinking we know better than you, pursuing our own agendas without even considering you first. We are sinners, Lord, if it’s not one thing, it’s another, and the consequences of our rebellion against you is death and separation from you. You could’ve left us to our own devices, but in love you sent your son to pay the price once and for all to bring us back into relationship and right standing with you. Words cannot express our gratitude, Jesus, for all you have done for us. We come before you with hearts amazed and full of thanks. Spirit of God, give us eyes to see more of who you are. Help us to see you rightly and live lives glorifying you as a result. We love you Lord, and we’re so grateful to know you and be known by you. It’s in your name we pray, Amen. 

Gracious and Holy Father, thank you for bringing us together today to sing and celebrate the gospel. To remind and encourage one another of your glory and your goodness. We get so caught up in the pressing matters of the day and it clouds our hearts and minds. Even the truly insignificant goings-on of our days seem to distract us from just how immense you are. It leads us to fashion some likeness of you that is small, and almost trivial. A version of you that we somehow make a little bit sovereign, but not truly sovereign. We’re even tempted, in our deepest moments of fatigue, to believe you don’t even care. For this, Father, forgive us. Forgive us for trying to make you seem small. Forgive us for doubting you are sovereign over all things. Forgive us for forgetting that in our weakest moments, you are near to us, nearer than we are even to ourselves, and that your strength is made perfect. Spirit we pray that each day you would help us to see your goodness and your glory. Help us to refine our understanding, bit by bit, of your grandeur. That you, O Lord, are above even the heavens, ruling a reigning. You see every moment of our days and you know every hair on our heads. Help us to rest assured we  are more deeply loved than we can possibly imagine through the person and work of our gracious Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s in the glorious name of Jesus Christ we have gathered and in his name we pray all these things, Amen.


Father in Heaven, what a privilege it is to gather in your name to worship you this morning, to come before you singing songs of loudest praise. You are a God who always keeps your promises, with enduring love, patience, and faithfulness from generation to generation. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to us, your people, even in the midst of our wandering and rebellion. Whether it be busyness, laziness, or blatantly choosing our sin over how you have called us to live, we confess we are quick to abandon our commitment to you. Jesus, thank you for your perfect commitment and faithfulness to the father on our behalf. We could never keep our end of the covenant, so you did it for us. Thank you for dying our death, so that in you we can find life. It’s through your precious blood that now these covenant promises belong to those who put their faith in you. Thank you doesn’t even scratch the surface in expressing our gratitude for what you’ve done for us through your life, death, and resurrection. Spirit of God, we surrender our prone-to-wander hearts to you and ask that you would mold them and change them. Help us to hate our sin and turn away from it. Empower us to fight against the temptation to wander and make us a people unwavering in our commitment to you. We love you Lord. It’s in your name we pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for this morning and for the blessing and the privilege that it is to gather in your name today. For you are the reason that we gather, the reason we rejoice, the reason that we sing. You are God Almighty- the Maker and Creator of all things. It is in and through you that all things both exist and hold together and we thank you for the gifts that you so graciously bestow upon us. God, we acknowledge that we are not deserving of the grace and mercy that you have given us. You both bless us with immeasurably more than we can both think or deserve, and you withhold the just punishment that we do deserve because of our sinfulness. You are so good to us. We admit Lord that we often do not acknowledge these good gifts. We go at it on our own, whether in a time of joy or sorrow, and we fail to remain committed to worship you simply for who you are. When things are going our way we tend to give ourselves the credit for our current circumstances. And when we are in the valley- when life is difficult, sorrowful, and doesn’t seem to make sense- we often run to you out of desperation but fail to run to you in worship of who you are. Jesus, please forgive our childish and fickle hearts. Holy Spirit, we pray that you would produce a joy in us that springs from a deep down confidence that You are in complete and perfect control of everything and that You will bring from it our good in time, and our glory in eternity. We pray that we will be people that will rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Your will. Spirit, help us to fix our eyes upon You and to live our lives with an eternal perspective, striving for nothing else but to better know you and to make you known. Lord we love you, we thank you, and we ask all of these things in the Name of your beautiful Son, Jesus…..and all of God’s children said together, Amen! 


Heavenly Father,  what a gift it is to gather together this morning to worship and glorify you. We thank you for your goodness in our lives, for your patience and kindness you show to your children. Thank you for not ever abandoning us, your people, even in the midst of our sin and rebellion. God, you made it clear how you expect us to live–lives that are holy, where we put you first and reflect your goodness and love to everyone we encounter. We confess that despite our best efforts, we fall short daily of this standard you have set. Thank you for the gift of love and righteousness found in the life, death, and resurrection of your son. It’s through the work of Christ alone that we find our hope, and we thank you, Jesus for this gift of righteousness that belongs to us through your blood poured out on the cross. Spirit we ask that you would open our hearts and minds to your word this morning. We pray it would take root deep in our hearts and move us to action–help us to be doers of your word and not just hearers. We love you, Lord. In your name we pray, Amen. 

Father, we praise your name for it is holy. you made heaven and earth and all things in them and all of it declares your majesty, goodness and glory. We ask that our minds and actions would align with our words that we sing today. May our hearts be open to you and aware of your presence now as we come to you in confession. We know that your word tells us to not be conformed to this world, but our sin is often directly related to this. It is a battle for which we need your protection, your armor and your grace. Forgive our seemingly endless desire to find meaning and purpose apart from you. Holy Spirit, would you guide us so that we may be faithful exiles- give us wisdom and help us navigate the land together as the body of Christ. Help us to use this good gift of community to strengthen one another and build each other up to do your good, pleasing and perfect will. Strengthen us to serve those outside these walls for the sake of your kingdom. Thank you Jesus for living the life that we could not, for your faithfulness to the Father on our behalf, for your death that eliminated ours, and for the resurrected life we share with you, our hope eternal. All praise, all glory to you our Savior! Amen


Jesus, son of the living God, we lift your name high above all things. You alone deserve to be worshiped and we offer you all our praise right now. Lord there is none higher than you, for you are the creator of all things. The existence of all things is dependent on you alone. You are our good father, who loves us and sustains us with eternal hope and peace that extend beyond our finite understanding. Your love for us is immeasurable. We are forever grateful that our future is securely in your hands, Father. We confess that often live like we don’t believe that you hold our future and that we don’t believe that you have our best interest in mind. Fear of uncertainty often drives us to try to control our circumstances . . . it often causes us to worry. . . it often brings about anxiety and all of the negative effects that go along with it. Father, we so want to be in control of our own lives, why is it so hard for us to trust in you and the plan you have for each one of us? Father, we thank you for the hope that you offer us in your son, Jesus. We thank you for your word that tells us of your plan for creation and for humanity. You knew from the beginning that we would reject your word and bow to our sinful desires . . . but you had a plan from the very start . . . a plan that offers a way for us to be made right with you once again. We thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus’ perfect life that makes it possible for us to be in your presence for eternity. Lord, help us to recognize the hope we have through your son. Help us to truly believe in the plan that you have for each of us and help us to live out that belief in our daily lives so that others may get a glimpse of your glory through us. In your name we pray, Amen.


Holy Father, you are eternal, ruling over all in complete righteousness. You are alpha, omega, beginning and end. Your ways are perfect and give us life. We are your creation, your vessels, your servants & we humbly bow our hearts before you. Draw our gaze upon you, let us be filled with the knowledge of you and know that you are here with us. We thank you that your presence is what makes us a unique, joyful, holy people. But we acknowledge that we are a broken version of the people you are creating. We long to be different from this world but find ourselves looking more like our social media feed than you, Jesus. We long to be joy filled but spend our days filled with anxious thoughts, fears, anger and discontent. We long to be holy, as you are holy but realize that the harder we try, our self righteous, works based efforts still fall short. Forgive us for seeking all of these things apart from you. May we look only to Christ, as the means of our holiness, guided by the Spirit so that we would be the people that you have called us to be. Help our desires to be your desires as we go be the light this world desperately needs. Thank you Jesus for your unfailing love on us, your imperfect, chosen, grateful people. Amen.

Heavenly Father, you are truly great! With your very breath you spoke creation into existence and you reign above it all. You are sovereign and in control of all things from the very beginning until the end of time, and you always keep your promises. It’s hard to imagine anyone more trustworthy than you, but in our moments of weakness or seasons of suffering we confess that we can be quick to doubt your ability to work in our lives and in the world around us. We take our eyes off of you, Lord, as the chaos of life causes us to turn to fleeting and temporary comforts instead of you, and we ask for your forgiveness. Holy Spirit, increase our faith. Helps us to be a people that are steadfast in our hope in you. Give us faith to trust you in every moment–to believe you are working out everything for our good and your glory. Jesus we thank you for your perfect faith during your life here on earth. Thank you for your blood shed for every moment of our weakness and doubt Jesus, we’re thankful for your death that brought us ultimate life and that through you, we can now be called children of God. What a gift. Help us to live for you and share this news with others. In your name we pray, Amen.

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