July 30, 2024

Corporate Prayers July 2024


Father God, How deep your love runs for us, that you would send your only Son to take our darkened and dead hearts to bring them back to life. It’s only through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ that we can stand before you as righteous and have a relationship with you. Forgive us for the times we believe we have to work our way to righteousness, for the days we believe we have to earn your favor and love instead of trust in Jesus’ finished work on our behalf.  Jesus, our Savior and redeemer, thank you for your blood poured out for us that covers every one of our sins past, present, and future. We thank you for your death that’s brought us back to life, and the sweet promise of eternity in heaven with you. Spirit we pray you’d help us rest assured that there is nothing we can do to earn or lose your love for us. Remind us that neither death nor life, or height or depth, or angel or demon, nor anything in the future or present can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Let us live freely in the light of your grace that’s been poured over us through Jesus. Empower us to shine your light to all we encounter, to boldly share you with others so that they would come to know you and live for you, too. We love you Lord, and it’s in your name we pray–Amen. 

Gracious and Holy Father, thank you for bringing us together today to encourage one another in the goodness of the gospel. We each need it more than we can truly appreciate. Our lives move so fast, whether in seasons of good or seasons of struggle. Regardless of our circumstance we so easily seem to forget the gospel is something that requires daily tending to in our lives. And if that weren’t enough, we’re actually quite adept at convincing ourselves we’ve moved beyond the gospel, that it’s something for beginners-only. How wrong we are, Father, please forgive us. Forgive us for allowing ourselves to believe the gospel isn’t central to our life. That we’ve somehow moved beyond it, or the season we’re in dictates its relevance to our walk with you. The gospel is for all times, whether in celebration or struggle. Forgive us for how cavalier we are with its necessity in our daily lives. Spirit, help us to remind ourselves of what the gospel is, how it shapes us, and how central it is to our faith. Help us to know the gospel in our good times, as well as in our bad. To know that while we were once sinners with no hope, you gave us not only hope, but life eternal and you did it through the person and work of your son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. We still have a ways to go, but you are with us, always, never leaving us, never forsaking us. It’s in the glorious name of Jesus Christ we have gathered and in his name we pray all these things, Amen.


Father in Heaven, we are so grateful for your faithfulness to us. You have loved us and chosen us to be your people from before the beginning of time, and it’s because of your great love for us we are not destroyed. Thank you for your compassion and mercy that’s new for us every morning. Thank you for sending your son to pay the price for our sins in full. We’re grateful for the redemption we find in you Jesus, and because of your sacrifice on our behalf, the confidence we can have to draw near to you and find grace and forgiveness for our sins. Spirit, we ask for your help to turn away from the sin in our lives. Empower us to choose to walk in your ways and not the ways of our flesh. Increase our love for you and our hate for our sin. We ask that you would let your word dwell richly in our hearts, moving us to action and change in our lives. Make us sensitive to your leading and empower us to live countercultural lives for your glory and the good of those around us. In your name we pray, Amen. 

Heavenly Father, we come before this morning, bringing you thanks and praise for who you are! You are holy, faithful, ever powerful, eternal, never changing, good, all knowing, in control of all things, all present; and you are love. When we pause to think on all that you have done, and the lengths to which you have reached to save us… how can we keep from singing? How can we keep from responding to your most amazing love! Our hearts could burst open with each pounding beat in our chest as we acknowledge that it is you who created us, you who perfectly loves us, and you who saves us! But God, we admit that not only on Sunday morning, but many days, we are guilty of simply going through the motions. We allow our busy schedules, fatigue, and the noises of this broken world to play louder in our ears than the Truth of your Gospel. We rush to work. We rush to make it through the day at home with our littles until bedtime. We rush to get to the next stage in life… until graduation; until college; until marriage; until we get that perfect job; until we get that promotion….Satan can blind us of the beauty and ministry in each day of our life if we do not purposefully begin each day with a heart devoted to serve him. So today, Jesus, please forgive us for those times when we have missed opportunities to serve you due to our ignorance or selfishness. Please forgive us for the times when we have hardened our hearts in times of prayer or worship. Spirit, help us to quiet any outside distractions or anything at all that attempts to take our eyes and our hearts off of you this morning and everyday. Let us not simply check off the box of church attendance, as if this solitary act would punch our ticket for salvation. Rather, let us listen to that still small voice that we know as your Spirit. Let us respond to your call in our daily lives, today and everyday. Let us live with our hearts on fire as we wait for the day when you will come again to judge the living and the dead. What a beautiful day that will be! And it is in the beautiful Name of Jesus that we pray all of this today. And all God’s children said together….Amen!


Father God, thank you for this day. Thank you for this place to come before you in worship. We are in awe of you today. Your power, your glory, your wisdom. You are amazing and we praise you and you alone. Please forgive our broken hearts today, Lord. For we turn away for you time and time again. We put our sinful desires over your ways, and we acknowledge that that sin separates us from your holiness. Wash us and cleanse us from the sin in our lives. Make us perfect and holy in your sight, not out of anything we have or could do, but by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone. In his saving name we pray, Amen. 

Father, we praise you and ask that you would receive our songs and words of praise for you are the only one worthy of our worship. Align our hearts with the words we sing and may they bring you glory. Lord now we come before you as your sons and daughters seeking forgiveness for we have sinned against you in both great and small ways. We have been negligent of your word and your ways because we believe that we are our own. We forget that we belong to you and that in you, we have all we need. But you do not forget. You are faithful, merciful, keeping your promise to us despite our wandering. Father as we come before you in confession, search our hearts and bring our sin to light. Not our friends sin, not our spouse's or neighbors or coworkers but our sin. Forgive us. Forgive our self motivated ambitions that do not align with your will. Forgive our distaste for others that are difficult to love for we are difficult to love at times. Forgive our doubts and fears that drive us away from you as we seek help from wordly solutions for you are our hope, our comfort, our salvation. Lord, as we consider our sin, oftentimes we are overcome with our failures and defeat can have the final word. We ask that you would remind our hearts that we are not condemned. We are forgiven. Our salvation is assured because of the work of Christ, not our’s. Your love is unchanged. We belong to you. May we rest in the peace this gives us. And now prepare our hearts to hear your life changing words. May it renew and strengthen us. Amen.


Glorious Father in heaven we bow our hearts in reverent worship before your throne. You are the all-powerful one before whom all others tremble in fear. Even the hearts of the mightiest kings and rulers melt like wax at the sound of your thunderous voice. Your glory and might go before you to accomplish whatever your good and perfect will may be. Even the gates of hell and sin and death and Satan answer to your word. Nothing can stand against the strength of our God . . . absolutely nothing. Lord, we confess that we often put up feeble attempts to try to stand against you, but we always fail, for nothing can prevent your will from being done. Father, no matter how many times we promise to do better, no matter how much we say we want to do what is right, no matter how hard we try to be good, we always find ourselves in need of forgiveness of our sin. Lord, each one of us desperately needs saving. Father, please help us in our fight against the sin in our lives, but also help us to know in our hearts that it is not by our strength, but through the perfect atoning sacrifice of Jesus that we will one day be able to stand before you in heaven and worship you for eternity. Thank you for sending your son to live a perfect life, to fulfill Biblical prophecy and die as a sacrificial lamb to atone for our sin . . . our sin that we are helpless to do anything about. Lord, without Jesus, we would be bound for hell where our sin would separate us from you forever. But glory be to you for the plan that you have brought forth through Jesus Christ in order to make us righteous. You and you alone deserve all glory and honor and power. In your mighty name we pray, Amen.

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