October 2, 2024

Corporate Prayers September 2024


Holy Father, thank you for gracious gift it is to gather as your people and sing and celebrate the gospel. This time is a precious reminder of the days to come when all the saints are gathered as one in glory. And until that day we walk amongst this world that is constantly seeking to pull us in directions we aught not wander, but we do. We stray and in doing so find ourselves caught up in a rat race we simply cannot win, but that won’t stop us from trying. This life tells us we can be more, and to chase our own glory. It feeds us only what fuels our own pride and we end up chasing approval from a world that will forget us or cast us aside without any hesitation. Forgive us, Father. Forgive us for chasing glory that isn’t ours to possess. Forgive us for entertaining the tantalizing calls of a world where 15 minutes may be all you get. Spirit, remind of the glory of Jesus. A glory we should long to be near and to celebrate. While the world offers us maybe 15 minutes of it’s fickle time, Jesus offers all of himself, forever. Help us remind ourselves that Christ loves his people, and when we wander, he’s the good shepherd who draws us back to his care and his protection. He doesn’t cast us aside. He doesn’t discard us. Instead, he stands before the Father and claims us as our own. When we cry out, he hears us. When we stumble, he shows us grace. This is the goodness we seek and celebrate. It’s in the glorious name of Jesus Christ we have gathered and in his name we pray all these things, Amen. 


“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all the peoples. For great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise”

Father, today is a day of rejoicing and celebrating, for not only have you created this day for your glory but we have the privilege of gathering together to give you honor and glory for all you have done in the life of your church and beyond. And so we lift our voices, our hands and our hearts to you for you are worthy. Holy Spirit we ask that you would awaken our hearts now to your presence as we draw near to the throne. Remove all distractions, burdens and racing thoughts that seem imperative to us now for these are all things that are in the hands of our father. Help us to see and hear from you alone as we come before you in a time of silence to confess our sins and our needs. Father, we confess our weakness and our inability to follow your commands as we should. We confess our deepest need is for a savior and we thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ who perfectly satisfied that need. Without you, we are lost, wandering about, searching desperately for something to quench our thirsty souls. And as a loving Father, you continually take our hand and lead us back to the living water over and over again despite ourselves. Thank you Father. Thank you Jesus for your life and death as our substitute. As we continue to celebrate today, give us thankful hearts that long to share all you are doing here with our community to make known your marvelous deeds. We love you and we praise you.


Heavenly Father, we worship you this morning! Thank you for the gift that it is to gather in your Name for you are worthy of our praise. You are the Maker and Creator of all things. You know our thoughts, our motives, our hearts, and we praise you for revealing your righteousness and mercy through the Gospel of your Son, Jesus Christ. We adore you for your unwavering faithfulness and grace. You are the source of all good, the Creator of all things, and the One who has called us into your glorious light. Your plan of salvation is perfect and is open to all people. We marvel at your justice and your mercy, seeing both fully displayed in your sacrifice on the Cross. We confess that we have fallen short of your glory. We acknowledge the times when we have suppressed the truth, exchanged your truth for lies, and lived in ways that do not honor you. Our hearts have been prone to selfishness and wandering, and we have often sought our own desires over your will. We repent of these ways and ask for your forgiveness, seeking renewal and transformation through the power of your Spirit. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness and help us to live in a manner worthy of the calling we have received. Empower us to walk in your truth and to reflect the light of Christ in all we do, holding fast to the promise that you love us and that you will never leave us. It's in the beautiful Name of Jesus that we pray all of these things this morning. Amen.


Glorious Father in heaven, we honor and lift up your name this morning. Yours is the name above all names. You are our good and perfect father who reigns over everything from your throne. You have authority over all things. No earthly king comes to power but by your will. You set men in places of authority and you remove men from places of authority. You bring nations into power and you remove nations from power, for it is by your word that everything exists in it’s place. Father, how could we ever expect to live in such a way as to meet your standard of holiness? How could we, who have sin in our nature, ever come close to having right standing with you, our perfect creator God? On our own, we can’t. On our own, we have no way of being righteous. On our own, we have no hope. But, while we were still sinners, you provided a way for us. You provided a path of hope through your son Jesus. You loved us so much, even while we were blatantly sinning against you and doing the exact things you have told us not to do. You showed up in our darkest hour when we were hopeless and helpless. You planned from the beginning to provide a way to reconcile us to you even though you knew we would rebel and reject you. Father it is still difficult to fathom why you would do this. Why would you show mercy and grace to us who have gone astray? We don’t understand Lord, but we thank you for sending Jesus as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Would you give us the same love for those around us who are lost that you had for us when we were still sinners? Would you give us a burning desire to see the lost be found? Would you give us compassion and understanding enough to show them your grace and your mercy and to love them enough to care about their eternal destination? Thank you Lord for loving us and for helping us love the lost. It’s in your name we pray, Amen.


Almighty Father, you are ruling and reigning in perfect righteousness. You are glorious, beautiful and gracious and kind. Lord, have mercy on us for we are sinners by nature and we sinners in practice. So often we give in to the temptations before us. We long to hold our tongue but instead ignite the fire with the kindling of our unkind words. We have intentions of serving our lost neighbor but find ourselves distracted by the everyday rush of activity that delays us. We have unhealthy habits that seem unbreakable, besetting sins that convince us we are beyond hope. But you have not left us to despair. For in you, Jesus, no matter the extent or number of our sins, we have a perfect standing before our King. Help us. Spirit, to seek the forgiveness we need. Help us to turn away from those things that keep us from communing with you. And then help us to be encouraged by your all sufficient grace. Form us into people that you delight in and help us to delight in you. May we find our happiness, joy, peace and comfort in you and you alone. Open our ears as we prepare to hear the Word. May it challenge us and encourage us. Amen