October 16, 2024

First Grade Bibles 2024

Written by: Kidway

One of our favorite Sundays each year is our 1st grade Bible Sunday! Each September, all our 1st graders at both our North Main Campus and County Road 9 Campus are given their very own Adventure Bible to keep. I love the excitement that the kids always show when receiving a new Bible and their enthusiasm for God’s Word! This year, we had the privilege of giving out a total of 42 Bibles! We challenged the kids to do two things with their Bibles. First, we encouraged them to read their Bibles regularly. Just like we need to brush our teeth daily to keep them healthy and clean, we should be reading our Bibles daily to stay spiritually healthy and learn more about God. We also asked them to bring their Bibles back to church with them each Sunday so they can learn how to use them. Our teachers in Kidway love to help the kids learn how to find books in the Bible and how to navigate finding the verses and stories that we are learning about on Sunday mornings. 

The ladies in the Sew Quilt Share group used their amazing sewing skills to make small cloth bags again this year. The bags are just the right size for a Bible to fit inside. These will make it easier for the kids to carry their Bibles with them to church each week. The kids got to pick out their favorite bag and were excited to have many different colors and patterns to choose from. Thank you to all the Sew Quilt Share ladies for using your talents to sew the bags and for your generosity in giving them to our 1st graders! 

Read on to hear what a few of our 1st graders had to say about their new Bible. 

What do you like about your new Bible?

Eden: I liked getting it and I really like the bag.
 I can read my own Bible and not have to read my brother’s.
It has stuff for siblings to have fun and learn about it too - I can read that to my little brother.
That it has maps in it.
I like that it tells me all about God. 
That I get my own Bible like my older siblings and my parents.
: That I can highlight in it. 

How is this Bible different from your “little kid” Bible?

Eden: It has way more pages. 
That it has thinner pages and harder words. 
It doesn't have pictures on every page and it has every word of the Bible
It has different kinds of pictures in it. The little kid Bible has big pictures of people but my new Bible has small pictures.
This Bible has passages and like these bubbles on some of the pages that tell about people. 
: It’s bigger and has more words in it.
: It doesn’t show pictures and it’s a real Bible. 

What do you plan to do with your Bible?

Eden: Read it. 
Read it everyday and I love to bring it to church. 
: Read it and keep it safe and bring it back to church each week!
Bring it to church so I can find the page we’re reading from.
That's an easy question, read it of course.
Reading it so I can tell other people what it says about Jesus.
Read it!

What is your favorite Bible Story?

Eden: David and Goliath
When Jesus rose from the dead. 
Noah's Ark
David & Goliath - when the big guy falls
The one I remember is the sacrifice of the lamb and they painted on the doors. And the Hannah in the Bible asked for a son and when she asked for the son, God gave it to her. I remember that too. 
Daniel in the lion's den.
All of them. The whole Gospel plan.