July 24, 2024

Next Gen: From an Interns Perspective

Written by: Martha Davis and Interns

It has been our privilege to have 5 wonderful interns throughout the summer here at Gateway Church. They have had the opportunity to spend time with each department learning and participating in a variety of hands-on ministry experiences. Continue to read as Rissa Green and Sam Shaferly share some examples of their experiences with our Next Gen department. 


As an intern I have had the privilege of attending and helping with the middle school youth group on Monday evenings. It has been fun getting to know the kids and encouraging them. 

One specific instance will stick with me for a very long time. Towards the end of the evening we always split off into small groups to discuss what Adam had to say earlier. One evening I was with two sixth graders and an eighth grader. They were sweet and a little distractible, but they had really good thoughts. When I asked them what the word ‘gospel’ meant, they thought for a moment before one girl said, “Oh! It’s the circles! God’s plan for me!” They all three then proceeded to recite “God’s plan for me” by memory. 

I taught first and second grade in Kidway for a couple years, and I have also led our Kidway large group, and to hear the middle schoolers, who are done with Kidway and moving on, remembering what we taught them was so encouraging. 

After this, one of the girls told me that her family no longer actually attended Gateway Church in person, but they have been watching online since Covid. Her friend immediately piped up and said she should come back to church! 

Both of these things may seem like small, throwaway moments, but to me they were very encouraging. In 2 Corinthians, it says “You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” ‭‭(2 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭3‬ ‭NIV‬‬) 

It’s good to see the next generation of our Church family growing in their faith and proving that what we do in all of Kidway matters, and that we are raising up letters from Christ. 


In Mark 10, we can see the story of the disciples rebuking children as they come seeking Jesus. Jesus responds by saying, "'Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those like these children." While high schoolers could be outraged at being referred to as children, for all intents and purposes, that's exactly the life stage they are in. Granted, they are nearing the edge of that time frame. And if we can accept that our Father deeply loves all children, we can also see the fact that today's teens, middle school or high school, are some of the favorite targets of the world and its evil. 

But that is where ministries such as Gateway Church's high school Bible study comes in and offers a stronghold of truth and community for students in Findlay, Ohio. After attending said Bible study this summer, I have been highly encouraged by the spiritual maturity and eagerness that these high schoolers have shown. Beyond the actual Bible study, some games and conversations allowed me as a college student to connect with all of the high schoolers. Even though the traditional volleyball game got competitive at times, the relationships between the students have been one of the most encouraging things of the summer. These relationships also give them the chance to have deep conversations where they can feel safe, where they may not feel safe anywhere else.

Students may be at the forefront of the world's attacks, but they are also stronger than many people give them credit for. They are starving for truth and stability. And for some, the church may be the only place where that is provided. And if students are the main target of the world, that means that our students are on the front lines of the spiritual battle that is being held over our schools and cities. Opportunities for biblical nurturing such as high school Bible studies are equipping our students with the weapons and resources they need through Christ's power to win the world's souls. 

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