On March 11th Gateway hosted an Evangelism Training event that focused on relational evangelism with an emphasis on the friendships we have at work. Over 120 people attended the two hour program and a fantastic team of volunteers knocked it out of the park(as always!!)
Much of the information utilized in the training is now available on the newly released addition to the Gateway APP under the E-Tool tab. It can also be found online at evangelism.gatewayepc.org The first page you will encounter with the Evangelism Tool is our Five Principles for bringing the Gospel to people in our lives. Identify(who will you invest in for the sake of the Kingdom??), Pray(be in regular prayer for this person), Invest and Invite(Pursue a friendship and relationship with that person), Listen(Show you care by asking more questions than talking at them), Commit(This isn’t a one time thing, be invested for the long haul!).
We will be adding a FAQ section soon on the ETool. So if you run into any tough spots sharing your faith, let us know! And don’t miss out on our next Evangelism Training, Servant Evangelism .Saturday, May 20th, 9am through 11am. More details coming soon.
Stories, news, and resources for things happening at Gateway Church.