May 10, 2017

In Case You Missed It

05072017_Retirement Anouncment from Gateway Church on Vimeo.

This past Sunday we announced that in two years, May 2019, Pastor Ben will be retiring. On May 21, 2017 there will be a congregational meeting following third service to accept Pastor Ben's retirement plan and to form a search committee that will find his replacement. In our denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, as a congregation we vote to form a search committee. That committee then undertakes the task of finding the next head pastor and has the freedom to look at and suggest any EPC Ordained pastor. This could include our associate pastor Josh Hanson, but ultimately the search committee is free to choose whomever they feel God is directing them to choose. Once the search committee has made its final selection, they will notify session so that another congregational meeting can be held to vote on the candidate. Following that approval, the candidate will have one final approval from the Midwest Presbytery of the EPC.

We are intentionally starting this transition process now so that we can work to have a smooth and wise transition. If you have any questions feel free to talk to any of the elders or staff.

Members please plan to attend the congregational meeting following third Service on May 21.

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