Much has been happening in the past few weeks. Flooring is being installed, the cafe has been decorated, and final touches are being made all over the building. Praise God that we will have such a wonderful facility in which to worship God and invite others to do so with us. Thank you to many of you have volunteered your time and skills. Final facility inspections will be on their way very soon!
Preview worship services are scheduled for Sundays, September 10 & 17 at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. Please join us for these special preview worship services. Sending services will be at our CR9 location on September 24 (9:00 & 10:45 a.m.). Our Grand Opening will be the weekend of September 30 & October 1, with services on Saturday at 6:00 p.m. and Sunday at 9:15 & 11:00 a.m.
Gateway North Main will host an Open House on Sunday, September 17, from 12:30-2:30 p.m. A light lunch will be provided, along with tours of the facility. You can come and go as you please.
Many of you have already been asked to serve in various ways. For those of you who have committed to serve...Thank You! If you have yet to be contacted, or you'd like to serve at North Main in an additional way, please let me know.
Because Gateway is a "going" church and because the North Main campus is focusing in on neighborhoods, college students, and local schools, I'd like tell you how you can get involved, even before we begin regular worship services:
1. Glenwood School - Teachers at Glenwood currently do not receive funding for basic classroom supplies that are needed each year. The cost of these supplies generally comes from the teachers' paychecks. Therefore, we--Gateway Church--are giving each teacher at Glenwood $100 to purchase some of the supplies they need for their classrooms. You can be involved by simply faithfully giving your tithes and offerings to Gateway. We are thrilled to be able to bless Glenwood School teachers in this way! There are also some volunteer opportunities in the works at Glenwood, such as helping teachers with administrative tasks or volunteering to fill in for office staff during lunch. You can contact Marsha to be put on a list to receive more information in the next few weeks.
2. Jacobs School - You can get involved by mentoring or reading to students at Jacobs Elementary School on a regular basis. There is also an opportunity to invest in students at lunch times. Contact Marsha in the office, and she get you connected.
3. University of Findlay - It's hard to believe, but UF students are back! Gateway helped freshmen move into dorm rooms, hosted student orientation service projects, and connected with students at this Fall’s first Thursday Night Dinner. Many students are signing up for Life Groups and to serve at North Main.
As always, if you have any questions about Gateway or our North Main campus, please let me know. I'd be happy to talk with you on the phone or set up a time to meet.
Thank you for joining me in our mission to connect people to Jesus Christ and to one another!
God Bless,
Mike Barnhart
Campus Pastor
Stories, news, and resources for things happening at Gateway Church.