This year’s Gateway Christmas Tea was held on Saturday, December 1st. Sixty-four Gateway ladies volunteered to be a table hostess. Each hostess set their table of eight with beautiful China, lovely Christmas décor, thoughtful favors and perfectly folded cloth napkins. Each of the 734 ladies were served by 52 Gateway men, dressed in shirts and ties. The tea was hot, the lunch was delicious and the desserts satisfied any sweet tooth. Findlay First Edition show choir impressed every hostess and guest as they presented their Christmas show on stage. All of these things were beautiful and lovely. However, bigger than the details remained the true reason for the season. The reason we all gathered. Jesus. Emily Hanson and Shannan Rebold used their spiritual gifts to share the gospel in a way that used hymns, communal worship and drama. Their message, centered on Jesus, was one of hope and joy and peace. It is our prayer that each lady left with her cup empty of tea yet full of truth as we celebrate Jesus this Christmas season.
Stories, news, and resources for things happening at Gateway Church.