You can listen to or watch Gateway Podcast Episode 21 here.
(NOTE: Timestamps are for video version only.)
Romans 7, to my humble mind, explains the problems of becoming a believer under the grace of God while still experiencing life in a body of flesh. It is a comfort to think that although I may still commit a sin, in spite of my heart/mind wanting to do the spiritual thing, I am rescued by Jesus Christ. Even after my becoming a believer in Jesus Christ, I can’t save myself by my own acts. I am and will always be dependent upon my faith in God’s grace to save me. Paul tells me this in the present tense. If he isn’t speaking of the present experience, how is this chapter much if any comfort to we who sometimes fail to obey God in perfection? (8:00)
Where I work I have been witnessing to a young man and he asked me how Christians can have anything to do with Halloween when there is nothing Christian about it, and how we can justify celebrating Christmas and Easter when they are all pagan based and Christians have just made them religious. Will the church have to answer to God about these things? What do I tell him as these are things I have pondered? (22:50)
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