You can listen to or watch Gateway Podcast Episode 23 here.
(NOTE: Timestamps are for video version only.)
Referring to the 3rd point in your sermon, I understand that the law exposes our sin, God's perfect holiness and our ultimate need for a Savior, but I'm missing how we ultimately use the law in a practical way in our fight against sin, so can you go over that again? (5:50)
I would like to know why we don’t preach more on being anti abortion as a church....Also why don’t we participate in abortion clinic sit-ins in Toledo/Columbus area? AND Why isn’t it mentioned that today is adoption Sunday? Did I miss it? Many churches are doing big promo videos on this and we didn’t mention it? (13:45)
Discussion on change: Some things that have changed vs. things we may feel have changed; some things that change out of necessity as a church grows larger; how we process change, etc. (30:00)
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