The tree before us was a sight to behold. A massive hulk of a trunk, 50 feet in circumference, told a tale of survival. Experts estimate that this cedar tree, which is depicted on the Lebanese flag, is more than 3,000 years old. The tree was already growing when King Solomon used its peers to build the temple in Jerusalem. Emily Hanson read Psalm 94, reflecting on those in Christ, who flourish like a cedar tree. Laura Moore read Psalm 29, considering the power of the voice of the Lord, able to break a cedar. It was a powerful moment for us. We beheld a real life example of God’s sustaining power and majestic creativity. The same weathered cedar tree was already showing the tender shoots of spring.
God is doing incredible things in Lebanon. His voice thunders, and it is being heard by so many who have fled the ravages of their home in surrounding countries. Now is a time of harvest. Gateway has a major role to play in reaching the people of Lebanon and surrounding countries with God’s love and light. Are you interested? For security reasons, we cannot tell the story here. Talk to Laura Moore, Ryan Rebold, Emily Hanson or Kelly Green. Gateway is sending a small team to Lebanon from Aug 27 through Sep 3, 2019. Please pray for that team. Finally, there will be another trip in 2020 as well. Find out how you can be involved in Lebanon at our 2020 Mission Trip Information Meeting.
When: Aug 20
Time: 6-7:30pm
Where: County Road 9 campus
Stories, news, and resources for things happening at Gateway Church.