July 9, 2020

Gateway Podcast: Episode 36




You can listen to or watch Gateway Podcast Episode 36 here.

Questions/topics addressed in this episode:

(NOTE: Timestamps are for video version only.) 

Clarifying the Conversation on Race
Clarification on Gateway/Pastor Josh's stance on Black Lives Matter (2:00)

Clarification on purpose and format of the Conversation on Race episodes (5:10)

Why is Pastor Josh participating in protests in Findlay? (16:45)

Some thoughts from a book chapter titled Speak the Truth to B.S. but Be Civil (22:25)

Phase 2 Reopening
A lot of churches have taken a financial hit these past several months. How is Gateway doing? (40:50)

You mentioned this in your sermon this past weekend, but there are advantages and disadvantages to being a part of a large church, just like there are advantages and disadvantages to being a part of a small church. When it comes to reopening, the advantage seems to go to the smaller churches. Can you talk a little bit more about that? (44:15)

How people respond to COVID and all that comes with it can be such a divisive topic and there are such strong opinions about what our response should be. One thing I hear and see a lot of are people who claim we need to be “living by faith, not by fear,” as if those two options are mutually exclusive or you are all one or all the other. What do you say to that? (47:35)

What are some things we can expect as we move into Phase 2 this coming weekend (worship services, Life Groups, kids ministry)? (59:50)

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