June 28, 2021

VBS 2021 Recap

Our church mission statement is to connect people to Jesus Christ and to one another. One way that we do that here at Gateway church is Vacation Bible School. In a year full of unknowns, planning a large in person event such as Vacation Bible school presented some challenges. Mask mandates, capacity limits, and illness were roadblocks to connecting in person. Throughout the late winter and early spring, the planning process involved a committed leadership team and our dedicated Kidway staff. This group was in awe as the roadblocks started to move and an in person, traditional VBS was in clear view. In April, what seemed like a monumental task of recruiting volunteers, gathering lists of items needed and planning for a large amount of kids, was easier than it sounds as 23 faithful leaders stepped up and volunteered to each lead an area of VBS. Each and every week God continued to provide exactly what was needed. Throughout May, many donations were needed for snacks, crafts, games and more. And thanks to you, our generous congregation, so many of those donations were purchased and brought in. By mid-May there were just as many volunteers as children registered, which is a good thing we have never seen before! Your support for this VBS has been overwhelmingly positive. By the first week of June, the word was out that our church was holding an in person VBS and child registrations started to pour in.

As a result of committed volunteers, generous donations, prayer and the faithfulness of our Lord, Jesus Christ we warmly welcomed 386 children to our Vacation Bible School last week. Throughout the week children ages 4 through 5th grade and even our littlest 2 and 3 year old toddlers learned this main point: God has given the Holy Spirit to those who trust in him. Children heard what Scripture says about the power and promise of the Holy Spirit living in them. As they learned the fruits of the Spirit they learned what it means to allow the Spirit to produce fruit in their lives.
In addition they learned:

  • That we are only able to be close to God through his grace and the favor he gives us.
  • How God showed the world his mighty power through the Israelites.
  • Jesus gave glory and honor to God through his life, death and resurrection. Children will learn that by walking with Jesus, they too can bring glory and honor to God.
  • The seriousness of sin, how it hurts God, and will learn about living in the freedom and joy of forgiveness.

Joy, laughter, Bible verse chants, worship in both the gym and the worship center, and even some on stage jump roping from our senior pastor led to energy and excitement that can only be found in Jesus that nearly shook the walls of Gateway church. We welcomed twenty families that did not have a church home. Our VBS hospitality team was able to make personal connections with each family with conversation, a welcome gift and a personal invitation to come back on Gateway on a Sunday for one of our worship services.

Thank you, people of Gateway, for your positive support of VBS. To the 80 families who generously donated items, to the 296 different volunteers who were the hands and feet of Jesus for the before, during and after VBS, and to our dedicated Kidway staff who put in countless hours of prayer, effort and attention to detail....thank YOU! Most importantly, thank you Jesus for all of VBS. Jesus, you have given us strength, grace, the words to invite others, and empowerment to teach your word to 386 different children this week. We pray for each and every child (and volunteer) who heard the good news of who you are last week at VBS.

Read all about the Summer Block Parties that happened earlier in June, taking VBS to the community.




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