August 24, 2021

Kingdom Kids is Returning to Gateway!


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Hello Gateway-

God has been so faithful in answering the prayers of many of you regarding Wednesday night programming for our children here at Gateway. After talking with lots of different families over the past few years, it was apparent that a mid-week program for kids was a desire of many of our church families. The more I heard this from others, the more God pressed upon my heart to explore the possibility of resuming Kingdom Kids activities. This had been a program within the church that was discontinued many years back. After much prayer, and listening to the Holy Spirit’s nudge, I decided to explore bringing it to the church. I messaged our children’s directors, and they graciously agreed to meet with me and discuss the idea. While their roles and time are already filled within their main ministries at our church, they agreed that something like this was needed. It was decided that Kingdom Kids could return as a catalyzed program, which means it must be initiated and led by the congregation rather than church staff. The Gateway team has been incredibly supportive in this exploration process, and it means so much to know that our church leaders are willing to listen to the ideas we are passionate about.

I’m so excited to say that after all the prayer and meetings—Kingdom Kids will be returning to Gateway, on Wednesday nights, starting this September! The program will start September 8 beginning at 6:30pm and ending at 8:00pm and will serve children 4 years old through 5th grade. This first round of Kingdom Kids will run for 9 weeks. The goal of Kingdom Kids is to provide ways for children to learn more about the Bible and plant their roots deeper into God’s Word, to have more bonding time with friends from church and the community, and of course to have fun! It’s becoming apparent that now, more than ever, we need to work diligently to instill Biblical principles and truths upon our children to equip them for this world. We want to build strong leaders and Gospel sharers for future generations right here at Gateway. I’m so glad our church does this well and agrees with the idea of pouring even more into our children throughout the week. We ask that you prayerfully consider volunteering as we bring Kingdom Kids to the children of Gateway. We are looking for volunteers to help as group leaders which means they would be taking a small group of children around to different stations such as Bible story, crafts, and games. We are also looking for station leaders, music leaders, and welcome/check-in helpers. Even if you can’t serve every Wednesday evening for the full 9 week period, we could use your help! Please fill out this form if you are interested in volunteering.

There will be a planning/training meeting at the beginning of September for all our Kingdom Kids volunteers at our County Road 9 campus. Thank you for coming alongside this outreach program to ensure its success this year!

Keri Harpst

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