August 2, 2021

Corporate Worship Prayers


Lord, be praised and glorified in this place today for you are the creator and sustainer of our lives. As we begin our week, we come before you and acknowledge that all we have, all we do, all we are is from you. We come here to remember, Lord, that you part the waters to freedom, you provide the bread of life, you defeat the enemy that wages war on our hearts. Lord, help us to set our minds on these truths because as we leave here today, we will forget. We will not remember all your benefits and we will not trust you and we will not love you completely. Guide our thoughts back to you, day by day, moment by moment. Tether our hearts and lead us toward the cross for we can not do it on our own. Search our hearts now. (personal reflection/confessional time)



Father in Heaven, what a joy it is to gather together and sing the praises of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. It is such a special blessing to be your people, and we give you praise. And we are thankful for your great love towards us. How easily we forget how deep and how wide your love for us runs. We so easily question it amidst our trials, our troubles, or our stumbles and falls. Any little hitch sends our fickle little hearts spiraling. Father, forgive us. Forgive us for ever doubting your love for us. For doubting your nearness to us. For turning towards worldly things that draw us out into the wilderness away from your great love. And Spirit, we pray you would remind us of the tenderness with which we were pursued. Remind us of the blood that purchased our souls; the ransom that was paid to settle the debt we owed for our sin and the death we were meant to die. The cost was great and we would do well to steal away moments to consider it and know our souls are secure. Help us to anchor our lives and our worth in the great love of Christ. A love that is unending, a love that doesn't flinch when we fall apart. It's in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.


Loving God,

We thank you for this day and for the opportunity to gather
together in worship and praise of you, our One true God. In a
world where many do not enjoy this freedom, we give thanks that
we can gather in YOUR name, in this space, to celebrate YOU.
We celebrate you, for you are:
Strong, secure, you are Life, you endure, You are good, always
true, You are light breaking through in the darkness of this world. 
Jesus, we admit that we often fail to acknowledge all that you
are. We view your approval as something that we can either earn
by our good works, or as something that we inherently deserve, 
when the truth of the matter is; you do not owe us anything. We,
your children, have turned from you since the Garden of Eden
and everyday since then. Yet you love us so much that you gave
your life for us on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins once
and for all. 
Spirit, we pray that your would incline our hearts to feel the
weight of our sin and move us to repentance in Jesus’ name. 
Transform our hearts to be pure and holy; to see those around us
as you do, to love our families, to love friends, neighbors,
widows, orphans, and enemies as you have shown us to. Create
in our hearts the desire to serve you, not out of duty, but
motivated as a response to all that
You have done for us. Help us to be your hands and feet and to love others in Your Name. And we ask all of these things in the beautiful Name above all names, Jesus Christ! And all of God’s children said together: Amen.

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