January 13, 2022

Corporate Worship Prayers


Father, we gather here today on this second Sunday of Advent in anticipation and great expectation of Christ's appearance. And we pray that you draw our hearts close to the wonder and delight that is Christ's Advent. We're so very good at allowing ourselves to be caught up in concerns of things that really are inconsequential and more than tertiary compared bo the birth of Christ. We so easily lose sight of the glory and majesty of Christ being born in human flesh, born to die so that sinners may be saved and have life. And if we lose sight of how miraculous Christ's birth was, it's just as easy to lose the hope and expectation we have in his second Advent; his return to make all things new. Father, forgive us our dalliance with worldly distractions and battles that draw our attention and our wonder away from the majesty of Christ's birth. These things are silly and simply rob us the joy of the promise foretold and found only in Christ. Spirit we pray you draw our hearts back to the humble manger in Bethlehem where a king lies in such mean estate. And may we gather near with the same wonder as the shepherds who chased a star and found the hope you'd promised through the ages. From that wonder may our hearts continue to bend towards his second Advent, when Christ returns. It's in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.


We gather this morning to worship you and magnify your great name. You, who came down from your place of perfect honor at the right hand of God, to a place of humble surroundings; a straw and animal-filled barn. It is a story that we have all heard, and most here are likely overly familiar with. But it is more than just a story. It is truth which was prophesied of long before Jesus’ birth in that manger scene. Jesus, please forgive us for allowing ourselves to become unaffected by the shear awesomeness of all that you have done for us. Lord, so many among us are broken and hurting, and facing challenges and pain that feel impossible and most certainly not worthy of joy. Help us all, in the midst of our personal challenges, to cling to the truth that You- pure love, came down from heaven and gifted us with hope in its purest form. Hope wrapped up in a tiny baby bundle, breathing life into our weary and tired souls. The celebration of Christmas reminds us of the Hope of Heaven and the Joy that this brings. Spirit, help us to live our lives with renewed anticipation and a pure faith like Mary’s. We pray God, that your Spirit would stir our affections for you. Help us to be changed by the words you have for us, and allow us to abide in the perfect peace that your love provides. It is in the beautiful name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, that we pray all of these things this morning. And all God’s children said.... Amen.


Father, we gather here today to set our hearts and minds on you. We lift our voices in song and proclaim you as our King as we draw nearer to the day we celebrate your coming here to earth. And yet we also feel the weight of what this day means... for with your birth, comes your death. And with your death, comes our life. We can't fully grasp the angels proclaiming "Glory to God in the highest", we can't understand the shepherds awe and wonder, we can't comprehend Mary's song of humble praise, until we acknowledge the reason for your coming...Our rebellion. We have been running from you since creation. We Question your love and wisdom. we don't trust your ways or love your law. We don't want the manna you provide, we want the fruit from the other tree. Forgive us, Father. Turn our eyes to the one who never turned away from you, who never wanted anything but your will, who never questioned your plan. From the manger to the cross he humbled himself, giving up his rights for us and for His glory. Teach us to walk in the steps of our humble servant king. He is the answer to our problem, He is the response to our rebellion, he is the grace you gifted us with on that beautiful Holy night.



Father, we gather together on this wonderful evening to sing and celebrate with great joy of the birth of our Savior, King Jesus. From outside of creation your son stepped in, his light piercing our darkness, wrapped in flesh, in the form of a humble child, lying in mean estate. And it was our sin that broke our union with you. It was our sin that demanded a sacrifice; a sacrifice that must be perfect. It was our sin that set our souls in the dark. Father, forgive us our sins. Forgive us for taking our eyes o the light shining from a manger in Bethlehem. Forgive us for allowing ourselves to be distracted from the true joy of Christ's coming. Forgive us for making the Advent about anything other than our Savior, Jesus. Spirit, help us to celebrate Christ well not just tonight, not just tomorrow, but each and every day as our souls feel the warm light of the gospel illuminating us to the glories of Christ. In the fullness of time, Father, you sent your son to be born of a virgin, to live a perfect and sinless life, and at the appointed time to pour himself out for us. And not only did he die the death we were meant to die, but he conquered death and he conquered sin, and if that we're enough, he promised he will return again. Let us look forward with great expectation to that day. It's in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.


Father, we come before you this morning, in awe of your majesty and might. Lord, our finite minds can barely begin to comprehend your infinite power and wisdom. You are the creator and sustainer of all things. Our hope is completely and fully in you alone. Without you, we are nothing.

But, father, we confess that we often lose sight of you. We get wrapped up in our every day problems. All we can see is the problem that is immediately in front of us. We are blinded to the greater purpose that you have for our lives. All we can think of is ourselves and we try to rely on our own strength and wisdom. When we do that, how quickly we become hopeless and fall into despair.

But you, Lord, in your goodness, never forget us. You come to our rescue when we cry out to you in repentance. Father, forgive us for not running to you and seeking you in every situation we face in this life. How could we not seek the giver of life to solve life's problems?

Jesus, thank you for never leaving us, even when we fail to come to you. Please make yourself larger in our lives. Help us to seek you every day of our lives and help us to become a people of your word. In your name we pray, amen.

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