April 3, 2024

Corporate Prayers March 2024


Father God, You are the almighty God. The God whose plan has never failed. We praise your great name. We confess today that we have not lived up to the perfect standard you have set for us, and we humbly ask for your forgiveness and grace. We thank you for this day. We thank you for this place to freely gather as your people. But most of all, we thank you for your Son, Jesus. Thank you for sending him to earth to die in our place for our sins, allowing us to be right with you and live with you forever. Please be with us, your people. Make us more like you. Open our hearts to your word this morning. We love you and we thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Loving God, We praise you for who you are! King of kings and Lord of lords. There is no one like you! You are gracious, loving, full of mercy and faithful. Thank you that you promise to never leave us or forsake us. Your presence is not merely a feeling, but true companionship in Christ. When we feel alone, afraid, or forgotten, remind us that we are held by the promises of your Word; we are held by you. We are never alone. Forgive us, Jesus, for the times when we stray from you. When things don’t go the way we hope or plan, and it seems as though you might never hear or answer our cries, (pause) remind us of your faithfulness. Remind us of your goodness. Remind us that you have the power to work in the bleakest of situations- when we fear that all hope is lost; Lord you can give life to the dead and hope to the hopeless. Remind us of your protective care in that you hold all things together and order all things together for the good of those who love him. Jesus, thank you for providing a way for us to be saved despite our sinfulness. Thank you for what your birth, life, death and resurrection mean for those who receive you as the Messiah. You have saved us from Satan, sin, death and Hell and redeemed us by your blood. No words could thank you enough. You are the reason we gather today, the reason we sing, the reason we celebrate. Thank you, Jesus. May we never cease to rejoice over what you have done for us! We love you and we praise you, and all God’s children said together- Amen.


Lord there is no one else we can or should run to in our brokenness. Let us come before you in complete and total surrender with true and honest confession. For you already know our secret thoughts, hidden aches, impure motives and the dark corners of our hearts anyway. and yet you love us still for you are faithful. Help us to believe that. It seems like such a simple request Father but our lives are often proof that we do not in fact trust that you do. If we grasped and experienced the depth of your steadfast love, we would never struggle to share the gospel and go to the nations. Forgive us Lord for neglecting your command. For the times we are caught up in our own lives, forgive us for not being mindful of those we encounter. For the times we look away from the hurt and despair of other countries, forgive our callousness. For the times we forget that you are the creator of every nation, tribe and tongue, forgive our self centered ignorance. Jesus, you have saved us that we would be living proof of your salvation. Spirit, lead us to live in light of our identities in you. That we belong to the one who has all authority and power over heaven and earth and yet knows and loves us intimately. We thank you and praise you for beauty that you have made out of a broken people. We love you. Amen.


Father in Heaven, our Redeemer and Savior, we calm our minds and our hearts now in this moment to praise you and lift high your name that is above all other names. You have power over all creation and we ask that you remove any anxious thoughts or feelings that may hinder our communion with you this morning. Help us tune in to your thoughts right now as we pause our everyday activities to rest in you today. Please take captive anything that may distract us from you and bend our ear toward your word. Lord, so often, we turn our hearts toward other things in our life . . . busyness, work, pleasure, relationships, sports, electronics, entertainment, the list goes on and on. We may see these things as necessary activities, or we may be using them to distract us from other hurts and hangups in our life, but either way, they dominate our time and attention, and our relationship with you suffers for it. Father, turn our hearts toward you, for your yoke is easy and your burden is light. You will not cause us heartache and pain and frustration like the other things we spend so much of our time on, for you love us and are working for our good and for your glory. Lord, help us to prioritize our time with you, help us to make you first in our lives, above everything else, help us to take your word with us into every other area of our lives, help us to see others through your eyes. We thank you for your son, Jesus, for without him, we would be destined to hell for our sins. Thank you for forgiving us Father. Please, lead us into your presence through the Holy Spirit this morning. In your name we pray, Amen.


Lord as we come before you on this sacred, beautiful night, we ask that you would help us to remember. Quiet our hearts and still our thoughts as we reflect on the suffering of our savior, the humility of our king, and the punishment that was due to us. Forgive us for how little we call to mind this sacrifice, for how small we make this tragedy and give us a deeper understanding and appreciation for our desperate place before you. For we are not a people that earned or deserved your love by any means. In fact, we rejected and despised you, but you freely chose us because you are merciful, gracious and kind. Thank you seems silly and inadequate for this holiest of evenings but we pray that you would accept our meager offering of gratitude. Thank you, Jesus.


Gracious Father, we thank you for the wondrous work accomplished through the life, death, and resurrection of your son, Jesus Christ. Were it not for this gracious gift, we’d still be a people lost to the wilderness, endlessly wandering in the darkness, each of us swallowed up by the weight of our sin. We’re drawn to it, like moths to a flame, held captive by them. And nothing we can do, no offering we can bring, can atone for them. And our sins demanded a sacrifice and there was only one who could do it. Father, you sent your only son to be crucified on a tree to experience the due penalty for our sins. His death, for ours. And in raising Jesus from the grave, you’ve broken sin’s claim against us. Our captivity that led only to the ways of death has been broken, our souls freed by the blood of the lamb. We gather here today not to celebrate ourselves, our works, but the work of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. And Spirit, we ask that we not only celebrate Christ’s resurrection today, but every day. May the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ remain in our hearts and we pray you remind us of his wondrous victory over sin and death for all our days. Help us to celebrate well, today and every day, the glorious victory we have in and through Christ. It’s in the glorious name of Jesus Christ we have gathered and in his name we pray all these things, Amen.

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