May 29, 2024

Corporate Prayers May 2024


Father in Heaven, 

Thank you for today and this time to come together as your people to worship you. God, you are perfect and holy, and you have called us to live holy lives as we follow you. We confess that despite this standard you have set, we so often sin and fall short by neglecting time in your word, doubting your goodness, and trusting in ourselves instead of you. We come before you this morning and silently confess the ways we have each fallen short of your glory now. 

Father, how deep your love runs for us—so deep that you sent your only son to die for each and every one of our sins. Jesus, thank you for the sacrifices you made to pay for our sin and wash us clean. It’s only by your blood that we’ve been brought into right standing with you. We thank you for dying our death on the cross, paying our debt in full. Thank you for the example you set for us to follow during your life here on earth. God, we are also so grateful for your word and Spirit you’ve given us to to help us live a life glorifying and pleasing to you. We ask that you would open our hearts and minds this morning to your Word. Let it take root and grow in our hearts, stirring us to action to live for you. In your name we pray, Amen. 

Father God, we worship you this morning, for you are truly good and the only one worthy of our praise! Your love for us is greater than any towering mountain and more vast than the stars in the clear night skies! By your Word, you created everything our eyes can see, and by your breath you have given life. We praise you that by your word you feed us; we are satisfied, and there is always more. Your Word is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. God, no word that you speak will ever return to you void because you are a promise keeper. You are faithful. In a world where promises are often unkept and hearts are lost, broken, and searching for identity; Jesus, help us remember that you are our hope. Please forgive us of our sins. Forgive us for allowing ourselves to place our identity in anything or anyone other than you- our Savior and Lord. Jesus, help us to remember where our hope is and WHO it comes from! You have secured our eternal hope on the cross! Spirit, we ask that when the weight of this world is heavy on our shoulders, you would renew our hope, courage, perseverance and joy in you. Help us to trust that even in the most difficult of times, that you are with us, you love us, and that you have promised to never leave us or forsake us. We love you and we thank you. It’s in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his beautiful name that we pray, and all God’s children said together: Amen


Heavenly Father, thank you for this time to come together to worship and praise your glorious name and remember who you are and all you’ve done for us. Thank you for your goodness and faithfulness towards us, even when we are not faithful to you. Lord your Word tells us not to conform to the patterns of the world, but we confess that in our flesh the pressures of the world around us can cause us to bend and we so often find ourselves conforming to the world’s standards instead of standing firm in our commitment to you. We come before you now and humbly ask for your forgiveness. Thank you for your son, who in your great love for us you sent to take on sin and death—whose victory over both have set us free to live wholly for you. It’s by the freedom Jesus has bought for us we can stand firm, trusting you in the face of adversity and pressures around us. Holy Spirit, we pray that you would increase our faith and trust in you. Strengthen us and remind us of your truth when we face trials and adversity. Help us to stand strong when we are tempted to conform, and empower us to live bold, counter-cultural lives for your glory. In your name we pray, Amen.  

Gracious and Holy Father, we’re grateful you’ve brought us together as your church to sing and celebrate your glories and your goodness. To remind one another of your faithfulness and your nearness to us all. How easy it is to be convinced by instances in our daily lives that maybe your faithfulness to us has limits. How easy it is for us to question how much trust we should place in your care for us. Every day we face a torrent of messages seeking to stir chaos in our heads and hearts and the only thing that seems to rival their ever-growing sophistication is their foolishness. They drive us to question the nature of faith and what it means to live holy lives. We question your goodness to us in seasons of strife, as if you’re the one who’s wandered away from us. Father, forgive us. Forgive us for being so blasé about your faithfulness and your sovereignty. Forgive us for allowing the world around us to dictate how we live our lives rather than the God who saves us from the flames of whatever furnace is snapping at us on any given day. Forgive us for doubting your love for us. Spirit, help us to how faithful you truly are, even when we are unfaithful. Help us rest in the reassurance that you are sovereign over all things and you will never leave nor forsake us. That you love us more deeply than we can possibly imagine. It’s in the glorious name of Jesus Christ we have gathered and in his name we pray all these things, Amen.


Father God, we come before you today in awe of your grace, mercy and goodness. Your wisdom truly knows no end, and we are humbled in your presence. We ask for your forgiveness today. We are an unfaithful people, who turn against you continually. We choose the ways of this world that promise so much joy and comfort yet ultimately end in nothing but pain. Cleanse our hearts and point them towards you. Thank you for your mercy; a mercy that is new each and every day. Thank you for the free gift of grace. We are completely undeserving of your goodness, yet you give it all the more. And most of all, thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to earth to live the perfect life we could not, to die the death we deserve, and to rise from the dead on the third day so that we may be right with you and live with you forever. Be with us this morning. Reveal your truth to our stubborn human hearts. We love you and we thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Father we long to draw near and we ask that you would hear our prayers, our longings, our pleas and our praise! For you are not a god that is far off but you are here, with us, in this place- help us to be aware of your presence so that as we pray we are then filled with the knowledge of you. Lord we come today seeking grace and mercy for how we have sinned against you knowingly and in ignorance. We ask forgiveness for the momentary wants and desires that keep us from you. In our flesh, we are drawn to the quick fixes and immediate satisfaction that are at our every turn. We want to love you more than those little gods but we discover time and time again that we are unable, that indeed no one seeks you, for we do not understand how much better you are nor do we grasp the life changing love you offer. And so we acknowledge our need for the one who did. The one who sought you perfectly and knew fully the love you have for your children. The one who lived on our behalf, thank you Jesus. And Holy Spirit we ask for help. Help us to know you more and draw near even in those times that we have failed and fallen away. Help us to believe that as we gaze upon your face and dwell in your presence that we will experience all the desires we long for. Truly, one day in your courts is better. Turn our eyes and hearts to you as we hear your words for us today through the message. Amen.


Eternal Father in Heaven, great and mighty is your name. Creator Lord, you know all things, you are more powerful than all things and are above all things. King of kings, all creation bows at your name. You are provider and sustainer. You are the one that establishes everything in it’s place on earth and in the heavens. You set kings and leaders on thrones and you tell the stars and planets how to move in the sky. Lord you are supreme, there is no other. Father, we come before you this morning a broken people. Broken in our minds, broken in our physical bodies, broken in our spirit and broken in our relationships. God if we are good at anything at all in this life, we are good at being broken. No matter how hard we try to have pure thoughts, we fail. No matter how hard we try to maintain our bodies and stay healthy, we fail. No matter how hard we try to have pure motives, we fail. No matter how hard we try to love one another and maintain friendships, we fail. God there is not one of us here today that does not suffer from brokenness. We confess that we are imperfect people and we desperately need you. Lord, thank you for sending your Son to save us from our brokenness. Thank you for taking the broken parts of our lives and turning them into something good, all for your glory. Father, use us in ways we can’t imagine. Bring beauty from ashes in unexpected ways that ultimately put us in awe and wonder of you and draw us into a closer relationship with Jesus and with others. Father, we can’t fully express how grateful we are for the grace and mercy that you have shown us through Jesus. Thank you Father, we love you. Use our brokenness to build your kingdom. In your name we pray, Amen.

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