October 30, 2023

Corporate Prayers October 2023


Father, we are grateful for the blessing you have given us in this gathering up of your people. You’ve given us a gift angels long to look upon and we gather to sing and celebrate the gospel. But also because we need to remind ourselves of your goodness and faithfulness. How easily we are moved to feel as though we’re wandering through a lonely wilderness, left to our devices. We see the shadows that darken the paths before us and we’re moved to stress and worry. We lose heart and our faith wobbles and our trust in you wanes. You are so clear in your Word about who you are and how you love and care for us but somehow fail to take it to heart. Father, forgive us. Forgive us for losing hope in you. Forgive us for not trusting in you. Forgive us for allowing this world and the shifting sand it rests upon to lead us to doubt your goodness and faithfulness towards us. Spirit, help us to see and know we are not alone, that you are beside us walking through the deep dark valleys of life. That you lead our steps towards the still waters that bring peace and comfort. Help us to remember the goodness and mercy of a God who loves us more deeply than we can possibly imagine. A God who is more near to us than we are to ourselves. And help us to rest in your unfailing love for us. It’s in the wondrous name of Jesus Christ we have gathered and in his name we pray all these things, Amen.


Heavenly Father, We praise you for who you are! For you are holy, and there is no one like you! You are gracious, loving, full of mercy and faithful. Thank you that you promise to never leave us nor forsake us. Your presence is not merely a feeling, but true companionship in Christ. When we feel alone, afraid, or forgotten, remind us that we are held by the promises of your Word. We are never alone. Forgive us, Jesus, for the times when we stray from you. When things don’t go the way we had hoped or planned, and it seems as though you might never hear or answer our cries, remind us of your faithfulness. Remind us of your goodness. Remind us that your grace is sufficient and that your power is made perfect in our weakness. Jesus, thank you for providing a way for us to be saved despite our sinfulness. Thank you for what your birth, life, death and resurrection mean for those who receive you as the Messiah. You have saved us from Satan, sin, death and Hell and redeemed us by your blood. No words could thank you enough… You are the reason we gather today, the reason we sing, the reason we celebrate. Thank you, Jesus. May we never cease to rejoice over what you have done for us! We love you and we praise you and all God’s children said together, Amen!


Father God, We are in awe to come into your presence today, for you are the one true God, the creator and sustainer of the universe. You deserve all the praise, honor, and glory for you alone are worthy.  Please forgive us for we are a fallen and broken people who constantly choose the sinful ways over this world over your perfect ways.  Thank you for this day. Thank you for this place to gather as your people. Thank you most of all for sending your son Jesus to come to earth. To live a perfect life that we could not. To die the death we deserve each and every day. And for raising him from the dead, defeating Satan, sin, and death so that we may be with you forever. We ask that you prepare our hearts to hear your Word today. May your gospel truth change us to be more like you today. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Father in you we live and breathe and have our being. In you we have peace, hope and assurance of eternal life. You are ruler and creator. You are beginning and end. You are servant and king and we worship you. Hear your people and speak to us now. Father, this world is hurting and broken and this week we feel it more than others. This week we can’t look away or escape the reality of what sin has done to creation. We are rightly angered and disgusted by the depravity of this world but let it be a stark reminder that this same darkness that seeks war, hate and destruction resides in our own hearts. And it’s this same darkness that put you our Savior, on the cross. For we were guilty and eternally condemned until you extended your banner of grace over us. Thank you Lord for the light that has come and revealed our desperate need for you and forgive us when we forget what you have rescued us from. Lord, we cry out for mercy and peace for the nations. Comfort those who are hurting, afraid and grieving. Reveal yourself in a mighty way and redeem this tragedy as only you can. Thank you for the reminder that this is not our home and we plead for you to come. Come Lord Jesus, come. Amen. 


Glorious Creator in Heaven, we humbly kneel and lay our crowns before you today. You alone are the Maker of all things and you alone deserve all our praise. God, we love you and lift your name high above all other things. Father, we bring our heavy hearts to you today. They are laden with darkness, anger, anxiety, helplessness, and sadness. There are so many discouraging things going on from a global scale all the way down to our local communities that we quickly feel overwhelmed by the sin that surrounds us and we wonder if there is any good in anyone, if there is anyone good that will fight for us, if there is anyone good that will come to our rescue. And Lord, the answer is so simple and it’s staring us right in the face in the pages of your Word, but we often look in all the wrong places and we make the answer more complex than it needs to be . . . Father, all we need is you. You are the one that is truly good, you are the one that will fight for us, you are the one that has sent your son to rescue us. You care for the sparrow and the wildflower; how much more do you care for us. Jesus, please help us to know that all will be made right one day. Even though we feel consumed by this world and we question why bad things happen, help us to have assurance that you are working for our good and that one day we will experience your glory face to face. Give us your peace that is beyond our understanding and help us run our race well and to the fullest. Help us to pursue righteousness and to point others to you along the way. Father, comfort us today and give us strength to live our lives wholly for your glory. In your powerful name we pray, Amen.


Father, we’re grateful for the blessing of this gathering of your people. To see before our very eyes the work you are doing to continue to sustain and encourage your church. We glimpse the enormity of who you are and how great your glory is as it unfurls before us. And while the gathering up of your people is essential, we often take it for granted or approach it with a passivity we reserve for seemingly trivial things. And in doing so we fail to answer our call to worship you. Further, we fail our fellow brothers and sisters in showing up to encourage one another, and bear with one another in our trials. Father, your church is precious, because it was blood-bought by your son, Jesus Christ. He is the cornerstone and we are his bride, forgive us for losing sight of these essential truths. Forgive us for allowing our hearts to be dulled to the goodness and the joy to be found in the body of Christ. Each of us has a part here in the gathering, Spirit help us to worship with true hearts and to care well for those around us as we gather together to worship Christ. Help us to see the importance of showing up and singing and celebrating and hearing and even mourning together as your people. In doing so we find our true rest in the one who set the first stone, Jesus Christ. It’s in the wondrous name of Jesus Christ we have gathered and in his name we pray all these things, Amen.

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