October 29, 2024

Corporate Prayers October 2024


Gracious God, we worship you as the Maker and Creator of all things, the Potter who shapes our lives according to your perfect will. Your wisdom is unsearchable, and your ways are higher than ours. We praise you for your mercy and compassion, for calling us to be your own, despite our unworthiness. Father, you are faithful, and your promises endure forever. Jesus, we come before you this morning acknowledging our shortcomings and the ways we have resisted your will. We confess that we often question your purposes and doubt your mercy. Forgive us for our arrogance and our attempts to define your plans. Help us to trust in your sovereignty and to recognize that you are the Potter, shaping us according to your good and perfect design. We pause now, and ask that you would call to mind any areas in our lives where we have attempted to control our own lives rather than yield that power to your perfect plan as our Father and Redeemer… Lord, we rejoice in the Truth of your word, that despite our failings, you remain faithful. As it is written, you have called us as your people, not because of our worthiness, but out of your great love. Thank you for the assurance that, through Christ, we are redeemed and restored. Spirit, help us to walk in confidence of the light of your grace, knowing that we are your beloved children. And all God’s children said together… Amen!


Lord, in you, we are safe, hidden, protected, redeemed. We thank you and praise you for the saving work through Christ. The work that cleanses and heals our deepest illness-our sin. Lord be with us as we look at our hearts this morning and illuminate that which needs to be in the light. Psalm 42:5 Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? Lord, we confess that in this life, we are often discouraged. Even in times of peace and joy, there is a sadness hiding waiting to be unearthed by life's next challenge or tragedy. We are discouraged by the sin of others as we see our broken world on display in the headlines. We are discouraged by our own sin and the endless battle that it appears to be to overcome it. Have mercy on us and forgive us. And then Lord, turn our face towards you. Let us say with the Psalmist, I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God! For we are not discouraged beyond the point of hope. Jesus, you are our hope. You are the salvation that our hearts long for as we see the disparity in our lives. Let us praise you here today, singing songs that rise to your throne, lifting prayers as an offering, surrendering our lives to you. And now, we pray the word would pierce and shape us to be people that delight in you. That we would be mindful of the Spirit working in and through us. It is such a privilege and we are grateful. Amen.


Father, you are worthy of all honor and praise.  Your name be lifted up, for you are far above all others. Your authority and power are declared through creation which we so clearly see in the words of Job when you asked him . . . Where were you when I established the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. Who fixed its dimensions? Certainly you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? What supports its foundations? Or who laid its cornerstone while the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Who enclosed the sea behind doors when it burst from the womb, when I made the clouds it's garment and thick darkness its blanket, when I determined its boundaries and put its bars and doors in place, when I declared: “You may come this far, but no farther; your proud waves stop here”? Father, how quickly we forget our place in creation. Our pride and arrogance put us above all else and blind us to your truth. We mistakenly follow our own path and fail to seek true wisdom that comes from you alone. Lord, if only we would remember the source of all creation and submit to you first above all else, then we would find peace and joy and satisfaction in you. Father, forgive us for trusting in our own understanding instead of your wisdom. Thank you for knowing that we would fail, but still lavishly loving us by providing your son as a perfect sacrifice to atone for our shortcomings.  God, we do not deserve your mercy and grace, but you give it anyway. Please help us to respond to your love in tangible ways that build up your church and further your kingdom. Help us to love others well and to speak truth.  Give us wisdom for this life and for the life that is to come. Help us to glorify you with every thought, word and action. In your name we pray, Amen.

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