
Post Your Prayers

Written by: Ed Grable, Life Group Director

Did you know the Post-it Note was invented over forty years ago because Doctor Spencer Silver was tired of the pieces of paper falling out that marked the pages of the hymns he used to sing in the choir at church? It is amazing how those little yellow squares have stood the test of time and are still used in this digital age. Years ago, I struggled to remember all I needed to praise God for and what I needed to take to him in prayer. A wise older man asked if I had ever heard of Post-it Note prayer discipline. As soon as I said no, he tossed me a single package of yellow sticky notes and a pen. He then instructed me to write everything I needed to pray about. 

Once I had filled about ten Post-it Notes with individual prayers, he said to take those home and stick them on the bathroom mirror, refrigerator, and front door. Every time you see them pray! Simple, right? So I did, and I started to see God answer so many prayers. I kept a separate list of all the answered prayers in a notebook. Within six months, God had faithfully answered so many of my prayers. Some prayers were unanswered, but I still believed God was at work. This simple practice helped me become more faithful and disciplined in my prayer life.

I often talk to people struggling to understand God's plan for their life. They say they don't think he hears their prayers. So I tell them my story and challenge them to post their prayers. Recently, I had a young couple take on this challenge. They walked out of my office with one pack of Post-it Notes and a pen, committed to trying it. An hour later, I got a text with an image of twenty yellow squares stuck to a white refrigerator. On my way home that night, I got a call from this same couple, rejoicing that God had just answered three of those prayers.

How about you? What do you need to take to God? Maybe a lost family member or a friend who is sick. Perhaps you are worried about your future or a prodigal child. Post it and pray every time you see it. You might be surprised by the peace you receive and how God answers your prayers. Now keep in mind God may not answer your prayers in a way you might expect, but he is still at work.

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